Going to share this for a member of this page. Keep Sharing - TopicsExpress


Going to share this for a member of this page. Keep Sharing ... for me personally the 28th of October of this year will pass like any other day in any other year of my life other because of this one miscarriage of justice. I simply cannot & will not celebrate that days passing while one of our own languishes behind bars for simply doing his duty. If you disagree strongly enough with what I say then there is the facility within this medium to unfriend me & that will be that ... we dont have to have a public spat, slanging match or keyboard argument about it. Life is too short & neither of us need to loose any sleep over it. So, if you have not done so already ... please go & sign the fecking petition ... the argument about the rights & wrongs lie fairly & squarely with the politicians who send our servicemen & women into harms way & the senior officers who advise those politicians on policy decisions & then create the Strategy that puts those political decisions into reality (or indeed unreality??**) on the ground. Those senior officers also decide if there is a case to be answered. We are not policemen, nation builders, aid workers, town planners, mayors, civil aid project managers, civil engineers, lawyers or social workers, were are Marines, Soldiers - whatever. Our job - IS TO CLOSE WITH AND KILL THE ENEMY - OFTEN AT CLOSE QUARTERS - end of. This is why politicos should be bloody sure that they have every i dotted & t crossed before they sign the executive document - because once the wheels are set in motion they are vey difficult to stop. Perhaps it should be a prerequisite of Government that every member of Cabinet should have their first born in uniform for a minimum of 12 years or something - imagine if that had been the case in the last decade? War is brutal, it is killing & bad things happen. This is the way of things...it is the soldiers lot. It is war. In such cases as this one the evidence used to gain such a conviction was stumbled upon buy the Civilian Police by sheer chance - in the investigation of a totally unrelated & entirely separate legal matter involving an unrelated third party which occurred in a different time & on a completely different continent. The Civilian Police decided to hand this evidence over to the military authority as it bore no relation to their investigation at that time. It was (or were) a number of senior officers inside the military chain of command who decided that there was a case to be answered & it was THEY ALONE (backed up by their political masters) who proceeded down the route of a Courts Martial & by doing so the abdicated ANY responsibility for putting our people in such unwinnable situations in the first place. Rant Off.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 10:59:18 +0000

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