Going to the bar when youre 24: make a plan with all the girls - TopicsExpress


Going to the bar when youre 24: make a plan with all the girls where you are going and what time so you know what outfit to wear. Take a 2 hour nap in the afternoon. Get outfit ready. Decide on hair and make up. Take shower around 6pm. Go to get dressed and decide to switch outfits. Dry hair. Switch pants. Do make up. Switch shirt. its now 8pm. Txt the girls to see if everyone is ready. Everyone responds yes. Go to walk out door and decide to go back to first outfit. Leave house at 8:30pm to pick up one of the girls. She is still drying her hair when you get there. Other friends are txting asking where you are. Finally get to bar by 10pm. Immediately order a beer and a shot. Followed by another shot. Find the perfect table. Dance. Shots... shots... shots... Drink til you almost cant remember your name. Whine at last call. Beg for one more after last call. Go to after party. Go to breakfast. Sleep all day in the one perfect outfit you so carefully planned (which is now covered in the stench of booze, smoke, and possibly urine). Wake up around 4pm and do it all over again. Going to the bar when youre 34: decide last minute that you want to go out. (6pm) Try to round up some friends so you dont have to be that sad lonely lady at the end of the bar. Debate on showering and changing the clothes youve had on all day. Decide what youre wearing is fine and all you need is a quick swipe of deodorant. 7pm friends decide on where to go. All friends show up at different times. Have dinner first. Get to bar at 8pm. Sit at bar. Contemplate on a drink. Sip on beer. Contemplate another as you get to the bottom of the warm bottle. Repeat about 5 times. Stop drinking at 1am. Is it last call yet? Im tired. Home by 2:30am. Hungary, but you know if you eat youll have awful heartburn. Water, aspirin. Take off stinky clothes and put on pjs. Wake up at 7:30am, and cant get back to sleep. Decide youre not doing this again for at least a month. Start youre grown up day.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 15:12:38 +0000

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