Golden Agers For The Lord B o b B a u e r By the year 2030, - TopicsExpress


Golden Agers For The Lord B o b B a u e r By the year 2030, 65 million Americans will be 65 or older, or roughly 21% of the total population. Presently the fastest growing age group is 85 and older, the second fastest is the 100 and older. In a recent study of 400 outstanding achievements, 64% were made by those of sixty. Moses started his work for God when he was eighty. Daniel was eighty-eight when Dorius selected him as his governor. Caleb was over eighty when he entered the land of Canaan. Lets face it. The church is graying in America because our population is graying. However, just because we are graying does not mean God has relieved us of the obligation to carry forth His message. We may move a little slower and our steps may often be unsteady but still we must ring forth the good news of Jesus Christ. Let me suggest seven ways to become or continue to be an effective Golden Ager for the Lord. 1. Dont die within before you die without. There are those who are only putting in their time until they die. They continually look on the dark side of life. 2. Develop an attitude of gratitude. Be thankful for the day that has been given you and for what you can do instead of what you cannot. 3. Stay active as long as possible. It is a whole lot easier to keep a locomotive moving than it is to start it moving. 4. Associate with those who build up and are positive minded. Though we sometimes must be around those who are depressing make it the exception rather than the rule. 5. Develop a sense of humor. Ever wonder why it seems so many comedians live to a ripe old age. Look at George Burns, Bob Hope, Milton Berle, and others. A good sense of humor lifts our spirits as well as those around us. The wise man penned, A merry heart does good, like medicine (Proverb 17:22) 6. Establish goals. Nothing is more motivating than a goal set and worked toward. Dont just drift along but make a plan and work the plan. 7. Be a role model. Strive to present yourself as the person that would be most beneficial to the next generation. Be a model for others to imitate. In 1900 only 1 in 25 lived to be 65. Today, 75% of those 75 years of age are capable of carrying on normal activities at home and at church. The wise man wrote, The silver-haired head is a crown of glory, if it is found in the way of righteousness. (Proverb 16:31)
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 08:37:40 +0000

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