Good Friday “My Robe, My Robe, My beautiful Robe is - TopicsExpress


Good Friday “My Robe, My Robe, My beautiful Robe is gone!” From Risa – dear readers – below are notes for you to read. Notes on Good Friday’s events – notes exoteric/esoteric (outer events/inner significances), not a formal edited text). I offer them to you. You can organize the notes. Taking notes. Many of the ideas are written over & over. Repetition helps us learn. There are many levels to understanding the events of Good Friday, Holy Saturday, Easter Sunday/the Resurrection. Read & take notes, ponder, participate, remain inwardly focused, assist the Christ. And most of all let us Forgive, let us understand & let us have Gratitude. “My Robe, My Robe, My Beautiful Robe!” said the Christ at His Death on Calvary The Crucifixion – the 4th Initiation Friday, Good Friday, April 18, 2014 – a day of Quiet Recollection Silence observed from 12 noon to 3pm. Christ carrying the Cross through the streets of Jerusalem to the Hill of Golgotha – Hill of Skulls. Christ mounting the Cross; the three Crosses; the 2 thieves on each side of the Christ. The Three Crosses 1. Mutable – Cross of Experience, the Unrepentant Thief (unaware), the personality 2. Fixed – Cross of the Soul, the Repentant Thief (aware of his behaviors & their impact on others), Cross of Love & of the Soul 3. Cardinal – Cross of the Will of God. His Purpose & Plan. His Will-to-Good for humanity & the Earth. The Christ was on this Cross, doing His Fathers Will or Redemption (bringing light & love to) for the Earth. The words of Christ on the Cross 1. Forgive them Father, for they know now what they were doing.” Forgiving the two thieves on the crosses next to Him. Forgiving humanity on the mutable Cross of Experience (of not knowing), forgiving humanity on the Cross of the Soul (forgetting the virtues). Forgiving those who crucified Him. Forgiving all of humanity’s distortions (from not knowing) since the beginning (night) of time. 2. “My Robe, My Robe, my beautiful Robe – signified the loss of the physical body in death, (physical substance covering inner spiritual essence), entering into the spiritual realms. From one Cross to the next Cross. The significance of the Christ’s “sacrifice”, his absorption of the darkness surrounding the Earth (the distortions of humanity’s actions since the beginning of time), the anchoring of Love/Wisdom into the Earth for the 1st time. There is another act He performed that is of profound significance. I have written about this before. RENTING The “renting [tearing of the Temple veil] of the veil” which occurred as He died on the Cross. The Death of Christ/Jesus – Matthew 27: 45-55 ...From noon until three in the afternoon darkness came over all the land. 46About three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eli, Eli, lemasabachthani?” (“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”) (that is the exoteric version. The Esoteric, or inner version of the words is “My Robe, my robe, my beautiful robe.”) When those standing nearby heard this, they said, “He’s calling Elijah.” Immediately one of them ran and got a sponge. He filled it with wine vinegar, put it on a staff, and offered it to Jesus to drink. 49The rest said, “Now leave him alone. Let’s see if Elijah comes to save him.” And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave up his spirit (his physical body died). At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook with thunder & lightning, the rocks split 52and tombs broke open. The bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life. They came out of the tombs after Jesus’ resurrection and went into the holy city and appeared to many people. When the centurion and those with him who were guarding Jesus saw the earthquake and all that had happened, they were terrified, and exclaimed, “Surely he was the Son of God!” Many women were there, watching from a distance. They had followed Jesus from Galilee to care for his needs. 56Among them were Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Joseph, and the mother of Zebedee’s sons. This “renting” meant Christ opened the door to the Path of Return to the Father, which had been closed to humanity since the beginning of time. Humanity had been living entirely within matter, on the Involutionary Arc (into matter). The Evolutionary Arc (Path of Return) was not available to us until Christ performed His great Sacrifice of Death (of the past which included forgiveness) and the Resurrection. The “resurrection” signified that there was no longer any “death”. That humanity could now “resurrect” (return to the Father” and no longer be held within the “tomb of matter” (Involutionary Arc). The Catholic (catholic means universal) Christian Church (at first was called The Way) attempted to teach these things. However, the teachings were encoded in a symbolic language (purposefully) during the Piscean Age (Neptune & Pisces Age of Ray 6 Aspiration, Hope & Vision). In the Aquarian Age (Age of Air, of Knowledge, Ray 5), the language codes are unsealed through the Esoteric & Astrological Teachings. During Lent, we are to live as children of the light, performing actions good, just and true (see Ep 5:1-9) So it is written that the Christ would suffer “…and on the third day rise from the dead - Luke 24:46 Crucifixion Initiation – 4th Initiation. The Death or Renunciation Initiation – in contemplating Christ’s death, we contemplate our own deaths. There are many deaths, not just the physical death. Christ Jesus enacted for humanity all the Initiations (changes of consciousness). Today for the world, Good Friday, before Easter Sunday, Christ enacted the Crucifixion (4th) Initiation. The (giving up) Renunciation Initiation – Death, entombment into matter (underground, in the Earth). Prior to Resurrection “out of the tomb of matter.” Everything is a symbol for us to ponder. 4th Initiation – Crucifixion (quotes below from “Ponder On This” – an Esoteric Compilation of the Tibetan’s teachings in the blue books) The life of one who takes (is experiencing) the 4th initiation, or the Crucifixion, is one of great sacrifice and suffering. It is the life of the one who makes the Great Renunciation, and (both inner & outer, esoterically & exoterically) even exoterically (on outer levels) it is seen to be strenuous, hard, and painful. Everything is laid upon the altar of sacrifice. We stand bereft of everything. All is renounced - friends, money, reputation, character, standing in the world, family, and even life itself. (1 - 88/9). Much of the information about the past is discarded; it has served its purpose, leaving one with experienced wisdom. The life takes on a new colouring, totally unrelated to the three worlds (personality life) of our past experiences. We become the sum total of that past, facing new spiritual adventures, and we begin to tread the Path which leads away from normal human evolution, on to the Way of the Higher Evolution. This new experience we are well prepared & equipped to face. *** In the Church on Friday & Saturday The Church - stripped of its ornaments, the altar bare, and with the door of the empty tabernacle standing open - is as if in mourning. In the fourth century the Apostolic Constitutions described this day as a day of mourning, not a day of festive joy, and this day was called the Pasch (passage) of the Crucifixion. Traditionally, there is no music, bells or song from Holy Thursday until the Alleluia at the Easter Vigil - the only music during this period being a chant. All statues are covered in deep violet silk. The white candle is unlit. (note to readers – it is good at this time to listen to the chants given in previous posts of Thich Nhat Hanh or to Gregorian Chant. https://youtube/watch?v=Av7qmS6mNBc https://youtube/watch?v=eC6OKIYXBxQ&list=RDAv7qmS6mNBc RELEASE FROM THE TOMB OF MATTER The Events today & tomorrow occurred so humanity would be released from the “tomb of matter.” I have used these words over & over so we can understand the reality of this situation. Humanity unable to step upon the Path of Return, unable to return to the Father. The ultimate ending of being on the Involutionary Arc is DEATH. Christ released us from the Involutionary Arc (old laws, old covenant), destroyed “death”, released us from the “tomb of matter” (involutionary arc) & established the Pathway for our Return to the Father (Evolutionary Arc). Thus, the Death & Resurrection Festival is about the Upliftment of all the Kingdoms from the “tomb of matter.” THE CROSS Understanding the Arms of the Cross Vertical arm – from spirit to matter (entering matter as spiritual beings) Horizontal arm – working side by side in form & matter. Helping each other. The Cross represents the entire history of humanity since the beginning of time. Spirits (us) being called to an experiment that entailed leaving the Father’s house & entering into a planet of form & matter, never experienced before. Taking on “substance” = physical matter that hid our spiritual essence/origins. Living on this planet (often in sorrow) for 18 million years, under the Involutionary Arc of matter, with no ability to return to the Father, our Spiritual origins. The Christ offered humanity & the kingdoms, through His sacrifices, the opportunity for humanity & the kingdoms to be uplifted from matter. This is the Resurrection – the upliftment from matter of humanity & the kingdoms. The Mutable Cross of the Personality is the Cross of experience. The Fixed Cross of the Soul is the Cross of Crucifixion. The Cardinal Cross of Spirit/the Monad, the Cross of the Risen Christ, the Resurrection. INVOLUTION & EVOLUTIONAR7 ARCS Arc of Involution – entering form & matter. Arc of Evolution – stepping upon the Path of Return. Christ opened the door to the Arc of Evolution. The square is the symbol for form & matter. The Square when sides are unfolded, becomes a Cross. The Cross of matter. The importance & understanding the Crucifixion Initiation. The “renting [breaking] of the veils” – the opening of the Door/Path of Return. For humanity to return to the Father (heaven). THE FATHER’S WILL The order to resurrect concerns the Will of God & Shamballa. It was the Will of the Father that we return to Him. Prior to Christ’s ministry on Earth, after we died, we were unable to “return to the Father.” When Christ died, with thunder & lightning in the sky, He “rent the veil.” He opened the door (the Evolutionary Arc) to the Path of Return. The entire Crucifixion (death Initiation) enacts the Path of Involution (Path into form & matter). In preparation for the Resurrection. ANTAKARANA & 3 PLANETARY CENTERS Resurrection is also the personality vehicle being lifted up to the Soul. This is called the “building of the Rainbow Bridge, or Antakarana” (Sanskrit). Today we are building the Antakarana to the Hierarchy (inner spiritual government, Christ’s disciples). And resurrecting the personality to the Soul. Resurrection is also about connecting & aligning the Three Planetary Centers – Humanity, Hierarchy, Shamballa. During the Three Spring Festivals we align these center through our visualizations. The Three Spring Festivals represent the 3 planetary Centers Humanity, Hierarchy, Shamballa, Rays 3, 2, 1. Intelligence, Love/Wisdom, Will & Purpose of God. Resurrection is about linking the three. We build the Antakarana – the Rainbow Bridge from personality to the Soul to Monad (Will of God). So we can look at the Crucifixion also in this way. For the planet Earth to Resurrect we must link & align the 3 Planetary Center. We do this during the Three Spring Festivals – Aries (Hierarchy), Taurus/Wesak (Shamballa) & Gemini (Humanity). As we are “units within the planetary Being” (our God), our purpose is to help uplift the personality to the Soul (Hierarchy) of the planet, humanity to Hierarchy, where the Christ is the Head. Hierarchy is the Love of the planet and Hierarchy in turn builds the bridge to Shamballa (Monad, the Will of God), the head center, our God. The Tibetan said how we do this is “by building the Antakarana.” Relating cooperation of the Initiate (Will-to-Good) to the Will of Shamballa (God the Father). In the past, the keynote was death – death of Christ – this story often distorted by St. Paul (Saul originally, a Scorpio) in his efforts to blend the new religion (The Way which became Christianity) w/ the Jewish sacrificial blood religion, he focused on death. The focus, however, was not to be on the death or blood sacrifice of Christ. The Christ wanted us to understand something new – to understand the Life Principle (not the death principle). This Life Principle is what the Resurrection represents – the opening of the Path of Return. THE DISCIPLIN-ING URGE TO RELINQUISH The new coming cycle, to remove ourselves from the thinking (distortion, fear) of death – will be known as time of the “Disciplining Urge to Relinquish”, the Soul within us ending the hold of matter. Great goal of religion is the resurrection of Spirit of man, all forms, from the lowest to highest. Emphasis will be on the livingness of Christ’s nature. Proof the Risen Christ. The use of the Will invoking Livingness. This initiation will be about the Life Principles, in unimaginable beauty. The live/path, Way of Resurrection is the Radiant Way – which is the Antakarana. This leads directly from one center (humanity) to the next (hierarchy) to the next (Shamballa). This is Resurrection – light of intelligent substance, radiant attractive substance of Love, & the infusion of Will. The Pl. Lo asks that we have Livingness, Loving Understanding & Intelligent activity. Rays & Initiations, p. 317 Order to resurrect is the Will nature, Shamballa to impulse of Life. We cooperate thus with the Will of Shamballa, the Father. This is a hint… During Lent, we live as children of the light, performing actions good, just and true (see Ep 5:1-9) So it is written that the Christ would suffer and on the third day rise from the dead - Luke 24:46 Crucifixion Initiation – 4th Initiation. The Death Initiation – in contemplating Christ’s death, we contemplate our own deaths. Christ Jesus enacted for humanity all the Initiations (changes of consciousness). Today for the world, Good Friday, before Easter Sunday, Christ enacted the Crucifixion. Death, entombment into matter (underground). Prior to Resurrection. THE CHURCH - stripped of its ornaments, the altar bare, and with the door of the empty tabernacle standing open - is as if in mourning. In the fourth century the Apostolic Constitutions described this day as a day of mourning, not a day of festive joy, and this day was called the Pasch (passage) of the Crucifixion. Traditionally, the organ is silent from Holy Thursday until the Alleluia at the Easter Vigil , as are all bells or other instruments, the only music during this period being unaccompanied chant. THREE DEATHS – Aries, Scorpio & Pisces. Aries, purveyor of fire, electric, at the dynamic nature of God. Aries forces the Soul upon the Burning Ground Subjecting it to purification. The lesser (personality, lower) mind set on fire, the Path cleared, the Vision achieved. Through war & strive (Mars), purification takes place. Then Mercury comes forth. The Rain Cloud of Knowable Things. We align with the Will-to-Good. Let our minds & hearts be steady today. Let us be still. Let us stay with the Christ. Being aware of His presence. Let us assist Him in His great sacrifice (from the heart). A stillness will then descend upon our day and His peace will enfold us. Let us offer forgiveness, love & gratitude. In our Three Dimensional World Today Hot Cross Buns. The familiar hot cross buns are sweet rolls with the sign of the cross cut into it, and they are one of several traditional European breads marked with a cross for Good Friday. According to tradition, these buns originated at St Albans Abbey in 1361, where the monks gave them to the poor people who came there food and nourishment. Solar flare last night Protons falling to earth today – positive ions Standing on the earth provides us with electrons Negative ions. They help us absorb the protons. Earthquake in Mexico, near Acapulco today – Mars (in the sky) is on the U.S. Saturn – the Dweller on the Threshold, in Libra Mars is tests & trials. Saturn is the prevailing structures. Saturn is Ray 3 – the economy. Let us observe the news each day. The economy, relationships with the Ukraine. Enough for today. On this solemn Good Friday day of Sacrifice.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Apr 2014 20:15:00 +0000

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