Good Monday morning America! Would you pray this prayer out loud - TopicsExpress


Good Monday morning America! Would you pray this prayer out loud with me today. Dear Father God............we pray this morning for parents who dont know where there children are.............they go to bed each night wondering and praying and waking up each morning doing the same.................we ask for Your help Lord.............we ask that You protect these sons and daughters............keep them safe................we ask that You surround them Lord with your love and with Your blood...........bring them home again well and sound................we command Satan to take his hands off of their lives................we bind all addictions and spirits of self destruction................all spirits of hatred, bitterness, deception and unforgiveness..............we release the spirit of love and consideration concerning the parents that trained them, loved them and gave them shelter................we declare that all prodigals this morning will be home for Christmas...............that they will find their way back to the warm environment that is still theirs.............we also pray for parents whose children have been divided by divorce..............may they not take up the offenses that have been created by a father or mother and embrace both their daddy and their mom.................we pray for a revival in each family unit in America...............we ask these things in Jesus name.............amen.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 12:49:36 +0000

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