Good Morning Everyone, I just wanted to say thank you for all - TopicsExpress


Good Morning Everyone, I just wanted to say thank you for all the prayers while I was in the hospital. I also want to say that I am praying for Mama, Bodie and Tena and the little grandbaby. I know how she feels. Also, Bodie, you need to make sure there is someone there all the time with her to be her advocate because that place is overbearing on people. I had a terrible experience in there. All they want you to do is sign papers and they are training a lot of people, using us as guinea pigs. One nurse put an I.V. in my hand then told me I was her first and grinned like I would celebrate with her over it. She said, something along the lines of wanting me to compliment her. I said something like, (sarcastically), gee thanks for practicing on me. Then when they did the stress test on my heart, something I could have had a heart attack while doing it. There was one woman and a man in there. The woman was telling the man how to set up the I.V. to run that drug through that stresses your heart out. She was asking him if he remembered to do this or that. That was not exactly reassuring. Then the doctor came in to do the stress test and she was instructing the woman on remember what to do on the machine she was running. After that test they wanted me to go in for a heart catheter test and had not even given me my medicine for my restless leg syndrome and my legs were jerking so hard they were actually coming up off the bed. Here they had me on heparin which thins your blood and they make an incision in your groin to and you have to remain perfectly still. Then afterwards you have to lay flat on your back for 5 hours. I can’t lay on my back because it hurts so bad and it makes me start coughing. I can only sleep on my left side. I told them I didn’t want to have that done because I couldn’t lay flat on my back that long, it was already hurting. They just kept arguing with me saying I needed to have it done because the stress test indicated some kind of blockage. I had signed the papers for it earlier but after thinking about it I told them I had to have the medicine for my legs before I could do that because I know that after that surgery they put sandbags on your incision because they can’t stitch it and if you move or cough you can cause the artery to burst open and you could bleed to death before they can get it stopped. I told them I didn’t want it done today and they kept arguing with me and brow beating me and talking about how I could die if I didn’t get it done. Floyd and Mary were there and they were scaring the hell out of them with this so I said ok. Then they lost the papers I had signed and I had to sign them again. Those hard cots they put you on to do surgery made my back hurt even more and having a broken tail bone just made it all worse. When it was all done, they had still not given me my medicine for my legs and I kept begging them for it and they were trying to give me everything but that and I told them, “I don’t care about the pain medicine, just give me the Neurontin. Finally they got mad and gave it to me and I was able to get a little sleep but when I woke up they wouldn’t give me pain medicine because they said I had refused it earlier when I told them I didn’t care about the pain medicine because it wouldn’t do me any good for my legs. These people were terrible care givers or nurses. They put me through hell up there; at once point I had 5 I.V. in me all at once. I was never so glad to get out of that place. But I just kept telling myself that I’d look back on this when obamacare kicks in and wish I had this good of care again. Anyway, thank you all for your prayers and support and for helping my kids. Please know that I am praying for all of you too. May God send His angels to care for you and watch over you and tend to your every need. I love you all and I’m so glad to have friends and family like you.
Posted on: Sun, 01 Sep 2013 09:06:42 +0000

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