Good Morning Everyone, Our theme for this month: Peace Our - TopicsExpress


Good Morning Everyone, Our theme for this month: Peace Our Bible verse for today: Guard your heart above all else, for it is the source of life. Proverbs 4:23 Our thought for today: We need inner peace. When the Bible speaks of the heart its almost never referring to the organ which pumps blood through your body. Biblically the heart is the place where thoughts, feelings, and emotions all come together and it is where decisions are made. Its the core of your being. In Proverbs 4:23 Solomon says we need to guard that place because its the source of life. In other words, it is from the heart that the rest of life springs. If your heart is a mess then so is your life. If your heart is a swirling caldron of conflicted emotions, confused priorities, anger, bitterness, sadness and strife, then your life will be in chaos and you will not be at peace. Since the heart is the place from which the rest of life flows we need to pay special attention to making sure its a healthy and peaceful place. We have to guard it. In 1984 Gordon MacDonald published a book entitled Ordering Your Private World. Its all about guarding your heart. Its about making sure the inner-most you, that strategic center of your being, is a place of order and calmness, serenity and stability, and a place of peace. MacDonald writes: If my private world is in order, it will be because I am convinced that the inner world of the spiritual must govern the outer world of activity. He goes on, ... if neglected this private world will not sustain the weight of events and pressures that press upon it ... I believe that one of the great battlegrounds of our age is the private world of the individual. We live in an age of information and technology. Televisions, radios, laptops, smart phones, billboards, and much more, all contribute to an environment where our senses are being constantly bombarded with stimulation and we are seldom alone with our own thoughts. A world of chaos and noise is continuously forcing its way into our private world. Its hard for there to be inner peace under such conditions. Over the next few days well explore some ideas about how to guard our hearts and to protect that inner place of peace. God Bless, Pastor Jim
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 10:27:05 +0000

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