Good Morning Fellow Nigerians, Lets us really get this fact - TopicsExpress


Good Morning Fellow Nigerians, Lets us really get this fact straight and have it at the back of our mind that we need to have the spirit of camaraderie despite our differences. Let our social or religious affiliation not define our unity. As a member of APC or a member of PDP, the fact I do not belong to your party does not mean we cannot be friends or sit on the same table to eat and discuss ideas. The fact that I am not a member or a part of your religion does not means we cannot pray together or enjoy fellowshipping with each other and share the same interest. The fact I am not a Pentecostal does not mean I cannot get the job to work with you. The fact I am not Catholic does not mean I cannot vote for you in the elections. The fact I am not an African Traditional Worshipper does not mean I will pass judgement on you. The biggest problem and challenge we have in Nigeria is the fact that differences breeds sentiments and for the fact that they exist with sentiments it will always affect our National Integration. This is mostly seen in the Christian Community. Let me site an example here because when it happened I never made a comment. This is an opportunity to talk to my fellow Christian brothers and sisters. I am not a member of Synagogue Church and neither am I a crazy fan of Prophet T.B Joshua but the only thing I admire about him is his Charity. Nevertheless, when he experienced the collapse of one of his structure and I saw the way fellow Christians were just insulting the young man and saying all kinds of things about him without any show of remorse and to console him, I felt we have lost it all as a Body of Christ. This is the moment we expected Christians to show their genuine love for a member of the Body of Christ but since he does not belong to my denomination, then to hell with him as most people said of him. May God forgive us all. Until we solve the problem of Christian Unity in Nigeria it will be a projection of National disunity. I may be wrong but that is the way I see it but unless otherwise. We have seen cases were people are denied job because they do not belong to this denomination or the other and yet we accuse government of sectionalism, tribalism, ethnocentricism etc and yet as Christians we ought to be the light of government to follow. Tomorrow in the Catholic Church marks the solemnity of All saints been the 1st of November, 2014. Let us be reminded by this solemnity that there is still heaven and hell. The only road to heaven is when love is the basis of our Christianity and this love should be devoid of sentiment and prejudice. Our Master, Jesus Christ did not restrict His Love but set an example that we must follow. Let us use the 2015 elections to open new doors of real existential Unity among Nigerians irrespective of our social affiliation, geographical provenance, religious background and political attraction. To my muslim brethren, it is time for us to know that religion is a tool for National reconstruction and as such as partner in this business of religion we shall make 2015 elections a way forward for a better Nigeria. It does not matter who wins the election but what matters is who is able to deliver. As we enter the mosque to pray today, we beg that we join you in faith to pray for our great Country and for the expected 2015 elections. So that by our Unity Nigerians shall be free. So help us God. Timothy Dokpesi Adidi
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 07:13:12 +0000

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