Good Morning Kingdom Citizens, Know today you are loved by an - TopicsExpress


Good Morning Kingdom Citizens, Know today you are loved by an Unchanging God! God will always be the same. People will love you today and scorn you tomorrow, companies will give you a pay raise today and lay you off or fire you next week, friends will applaud you today and dismiss you tomorrow. But not God. Hes always the same. You will never catch Him in a bad mood, Hear Him say I give up on you, Hes never sullen, sour, sulking, or stressed. He never make promises He cant keep. What He says He will do, What He promises, He makes come true. Nothing takes Him by surprise, and Hes the same yesterday and today and forever. Today know that His plans for you will never change. He declares you healed in all areas of life, He declares you successful, He declares you prosperous and He declares you whole. Today dont look at the things that are seen they are temperory, subject to change at any moment. Trust in The Lord forever, for in Him is everlasting strength. He never changes and His grace and love for you is inexhaustible and His plans for you He will never alter. You are loved by an Unchanging God and you are blessed and highly favored!
Posted on: Tue, 13 May 2014 12:29:38 +0000

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