Good Morning Ladies! “I will praise You, for I am fearfully - TopicsExpress


Good Morning Ladies! “I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” Psalm 139:14 As I was getting ready this morning, I stood in front of the mirror and just simply looked at myself. Have you ever done that? Have you ever asked yourself what God sees in you and why He created you the way that He did? So, my question to you is, what do you see? Do you see God’s daughter? Do you see yourself as a beautiful creation of His? Or do you feel self-hate, rejection, or an inability to accept yourself as special and unique? Did you know this prevents us from becoming what God has planned for our lives. Do you feel like a failure? Are you too hard on yourself? We are all made in the image of a loving and caring God. We truly are fearfully and wonderfully made. The next time you tell yourself that you are no good, a failure, unlovable, not as pretty as the girl next door - STOP THAT - THESE ARE ALL LIES FROM THE DEVIL!!! "FOR GOD SO LOVED YOU......." John 3:16 Jesus described God’s love for you, explaining that “the very hairs of your head are all numbered.” He added that because God cares even for small birds—“not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father’s will”—imagine how much more He cares for you. Matthew 10:29-31. I came across a verse, found in Psalms 45:13 "In her chamber, the royal daughter is all glorious, her clothing embroidered with gold." If Satan has convinced you to see yourself as anything less than the hand-picked child of the King of Kings...if you think anything could happen to steal your royal heritage....if you think you deserve mistreatment or disrespect, then you need to reread Psalm 139:14. - YOU ARE FEARFULLY AND WONDERFULLY MADE! My prayer for you today, is that the Holy Spirit will restore you to wholeness, show you your true identity in Him and encourage you to live as His royal daughter. Having your clothing "embroidered with gold," is your destiny. He loves you very much and so do I! Have a blessed day - Debbie Carr
Posted on: Mon, 08 Jul 2013 13:19:48 +0000

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