Good Night Positrons! What did we learn today? Is there a Mole in - TopicsExpress


Good Night Positrons! What did we learn today? Is there a Mole in your network? A person that seemingly is for you on the outside, but behind the scenes is working others against you? With normal friends, we can share personal information and insecurities that we may have, in order to vent. When we have a healthy network the Bond of trust is just simply implied. An unspoken confidence. Right? Sometimes stinkers, like the Mole, do get past our radar. They spread misinformation and half truths to people outside of your network, to make themselves appear more virtuous. When in actuality, they themselves are mired in their own insecurities. They would rather take You down, than to have people figuring out who they really are. Sad. Eh? So how do we remain Positrons when we are faced with The Mole? Its as Easy as 1, 2, 3. #1. Goodbye #2. So long #3. Farewell After all what did they ever do for you in the first place? Nothing. Zilch! Nada! They were only an illusion. They were never more than a mirage anyhow. Now, most of us wake up in the morning and set out to be the best person we can be. To lead all things with Kindness, Love and empathy. Sounds good to us, right? Not The Mole. From the time they jump out of bed in the morning, they are trying to cover their lies, and to spread misinformation. They are making sure that they have spoken to the most important people in your network and to larger networks, of how lame they think You really are, and how undeserving you are of love and attention. And......all of this is done without our knowledge. Behind our backs. WhenThe Mole sees us, they greet us with smiles and a grand Howdedoo. But, its all just a ruse. Its just a way for them to feel better about their own sad lives, by awkwardly lifting themselves up and out of their own crippling feelings of inadequacy. Yeeeech! Dont you find it curious how suddenly, so many people in your circle and other circles seems to be perfectly in tune with Your insecurities? No coincidence Positrons. None at all. Rather, what we have here is a Non-Friend, working double overtime against us, without our knowledge. So, what to do? What to do?. Call in Pest Control!! Moles are in the rodent family. They only want to come into your house for warmth and shelter. But, they also want to eat the food out of our cupboards and poop on your countertops too. Whats the Solution? Answer; hire a flautist to lead them away from your humble abode. Who needs em anyway? Nobody....thats who! So remember, share your most complicated problems and struggles, only with people you implicitly trust. Keep it tight and small. Trust must be earned. It is often times easier to trust a total stranger with your thoughts and your feelings, rather than handing them over to The Mole. So Positrons! Be happy and be healthy! Both emotionally and spiritually. Keep it tidy. When you do, you will have soooooooo much more energy when the tough ones come screaming down the pike! And they Will most assuredly come along......oh......they will! Be ready Positrons! Its a smart way to go! I promise! Booooooya Andy Out!
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 02:41:57 +0000

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