Good Saturday morning, Hopkins County area......Welcome November - TopicsExpress


Good Saturday morning, Hopkins County area......Welcome November 2014......a frosty 36 degrees at my house this morning, with clear skies and calm winds.....if you sit outside for very long, it feels 36 degrees too!.....especially when we havent had temperatures that low in about a year! didnt take me long to decide to bring my coffee on inside!...expect a sunny day with clear skies and only a high of 60 degrees, this afternoon......tonights low will be 40 degrees with clear skies and light wind!....Remember to fall back and gain that extra hour of sleep tonight or youll actually be early for church in the morning!.....They were kidding me at the ballgames last night that It was about time to drag out my long pants....I may have to, as it was a little bit chilly last night, standing out, if the wind begin to blow.....really, it was great football weather!......Congratulations to the Cumby Trojans, who won their match-up over the Era Hornets......the Wildcats suffered a spanking from Powerhouse Longview and learned why theyre ranked among the top football teams.....and the Eagles suffered a loss to Wolfe City, as well!....A busy day on Friday, for me with sneak peeks around town at the Halloween costumes.....thanks to all who took the time to brighten everyones day with costumes.....Congratulations to Larry Pryor on his Ford Tough Award that was presented yesterday at Toliver Ford.....three years in a row that a SS Wildcat has won the prestigious award!......Lunch at Plain and Fancy Sandwich Shoppe and visiting with Sandi, Heather, and friends.....then a quick trip by the office and some errands, and off to the SS Public Library to vote.....a large turn-out this season for early does that mean an increased interest in the election or light turn out on election day Tuesday?.....Today calls for a busy day of a number of activities, including the DBA Car Show......going to watch Ol Mike Lamb in his Wrestling Match-up tonight.....and several other fun activities!.....The busy schedule continues in November!......Was saddened to learn that one of my dear, dear friends and distant cousins passed away yesterday afternoon.....for those of you who didnt know Christine Jenkins Jennings, you truly missed a special treat here on this earth.....Christine was a beautiful lady and a first cousin to my Daddy....she lived a very full life and was one of the kindest people on this earth.....Fly high, Christine!....This morning I was drawn to the book of 1st Chronicles, chapter 5, verse 20......He granted their request, because they trusted Him.....A short verse but a powerful message!......God answers our prayers.....they may not be the way that we want them to be answered.....He may grant us immediate positive results......or, He may schedule the affirmative results on a schedule that He knows is best.....or, folks No is an answer too!.....We must trust in the Father to know what is best for us.....we cant see the big picture and our Father can....He answers according to the Master Plan that is best for us....we dont know that plan and we must trust Him to know what is best for us....we must understand that some of Gods greatest mercies are His refusals of our wishes!.....How many times do we look back and wonder what on earth was I thinking?......God knows everything and knows the best course of action for us!......On this beautiful first day of November and a chilly day in Hopkins County, tell your wants and petitions to the Father and know that He will provide the best for you, and be blessed!
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 11:22:45 +0000

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