Good afternoon all, The page is now closed. We will open again - TopicsExpress


Good afternoon all, The page is now closed. We will open again tomorrow for one post in the AM and then again in the PM. 1- My 2 and a half year old has become a runner, today was the most I have been frightened for her safety since this phase began (almost a week ago)...I do not actually chase her but I do walk very briskly after her. She giggles as shes running but can see by the look of my sad/cranky face that I am not playing games with her!! I have spoken to her about falling over and getting hurt, and even the dangers of cars, but she still runs away. I do not believe in smacking, and am looking for other techniques to get her to see this running away from mummy is dangerous. She generally does it when we are going into the car from the house/kindy, while my hands are full (I have tried to get her to help me carry stuff but she will drop it and run) I have tried giving her a sticker if she can make it to the car without running, I have tried holding her hand. Thanks in advance. 2-I just wanted to how others deal with the fact that their inlaws dont listen to you when it comes to what your lo can and cant have, I find myself always saying no as they give my lo inappropriate foods and drinks they know Im against. it starts with a mouth full but the he comes back for more so they give it to him. The thing is they do it in front of me even when ive just said no its starting to really get to me so I told my partner that he needs to start saying something as its not on but he doesnt think its a big deal and that he can have it all but I dont want him to. I feel that its going to get to the point that it causes trouble between us if it doesnt stop. Thanks 3- *please no suggestions to pinch back* I need help on how to handle my 19mo temper tantrums. I know its the age for tantrums but I feel like Im getting to my breaking point. He is throwing tantrums every 15 mins Id say. He pinches any time he doesnt get his own way, we tell him that we dont pinch and put him down on his own but doesnt help. He works himself into a fit. Ive tried to do a naughty spot but he doesnt stay there. He is a great sleeper day and night so its not lack of sleep. Please any suggestions!! 4-Hi looking for tips to get 14 month old used to brushing his teeth? At the moment he closes his mouth very tight and wont let the brush in and just throws it if I give it to him. Keen to hear what worked for others. Thanks 5-When did your toddler get rid of the dummy? Did you decide or your child? How did you know the time was right? 6-Wanting recomendations for places to purchase childrens beds, either in metro Melbourne or who will deliver Australia wide for reasonable price. Thank you 7- What brand and style of sippy cup do you use for cows milk for your one year old? Thank-you. 8- Hi mums, how long do your toddlers sleep for their one day nap? We transitioned our daughter to one nap about a month ago and for the first week she was always doing 2hrs+ now she only seems to do 1.5- 1hr 45minutes (still looks tired) and only does 2hrs+ on a rare occasion. Doesnt matter if we have been very active or not. How can i get her to sleep the 2hrs+ all the time? Thanks!
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 06:00:26 +0000

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