Good afternoon everyone! Whos ready for lesson #4? ..if you - TopicsExpress


Good afternoon everyone! Whos ready for lesson #4? ..if you havent been through the prior ones then go here: ilntopsecretmeeting Lesson #4 - Dont accidentally make your product cheap. Make sure you dont give away beyond what you need to, or your product or service will become cheap in the eyes of your potential customers. Which also applies to your ANY pitch or sales page! Even if your product is only like $1.25 - dont pitch it as being cheap. Instead try and use other words like affordable, inexpensive, low-cost, reasonable - always make your product retain its position of power of its value. The same applies to when youre in a conversation, never give away your power - remain in a position of power/authority.. This all part of techniques that help you close sales. IF you have no clue of what Im talking about then you might want to be checking out this event.. its free and today at ..ilntopsecretmeeting (its zero-cost to you) However if you know what Im talking about then youre more than ready for these lessons: #5: Discover The Products Mark Leveraged To Grow His Multi-Million Dollar Business Fast! #6: Discover The Wisdom Hes Shared With Others That Have Created 6 & 7 Figure Industry Leaders In A Year. #7: Discover Why Network Marketing Industry Leaders Pay Mark Up To $50,000 For Private Sessions! (No, hes not going to sell you on a private session, but you will see why top industry leaders seek him out daily.) #8: Discover the 7 most important tweaks you should be making to your business in 2014 for FAST RESULTS. #9: How to easily setup your future million dollar business and capture a 6-figure lifestyle in 2014. #10: Discover why Mark only works about 4 hours a day and plays... but he still manages to run a million dollar business. If you want to promote this and the value it represents then you need to get signed up here: dreamsuccesscrew and let me help you set up your promotional campaign. (want to know the benefits - message me). *** Brian
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 14:05:04 +0000

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