Good afternoon my awareness followers. This sunday afternoon I - TopicsExpress


Good afternoon my awareness followers. This sunday afternoon I like to share with you some powerful awareness that may help you grow in your connection with God but mostly to become aware of who you are for God and yourself. I may become a very interesting afternoon, and of course you have the choice to believe me or reject what I share with you or you like to sit with me privatly in chat on skype brainstorming about amazing upgrades on awareness during having a good cup of coffee together and have fun. Most of us believe in God, Allah, a intelligent presence, Energetic/Magnetic power on the Intelligent Universe or any other name we like to give it to feel we are connected to a higher Intelligence then we are. I wanted to share with you today the subject God and how the meaning of the word came to existance and on what level of awareness most people live when it concerns the relationship with God they THINK they have or HAVE. The first thing is why did thousands of years ago humans used the word GOD for this Creator we worship and feel so closely connected too? As we go back to when God created the universe and everything in it, he needed a few things to create everything. God had an idea....God is a Creator, a team player, a positive mindsetter and he held on to his Goal and Dream of his Creation we call the Universe Everything in the Universe is made out of Energy, Magnetic Energy, Infra Red, Atoms, Molecules and all mater as we know it existing in the Universe as it is on all planets. To keep all this Energy and Mass together he needed SOUND sound frequencies or Vibration keeps when energized and magnetized together, otherwise everything would fall apart. God made a unique Creation. He also had the idea to create a purpose for everything to be there, and created us..Cause what is the purpose of a Universe when it not contain living organism or liveforms to enjoy it and to grow in and develope itself. Humans ( the Body and Mind) was created to made his purpse alive, and the body was made out of the same material as the Universe and worked with the same laws as God created the Universe. Energy, magnetism, Infra Red, Atoms, Molecules and SOUND. Heaven or as its called by scientists The Field is filled with Spirits or Souls Gods creation of energy life could now start experiencing life in a human body to grow. Because all is Sound God gave his creation 3 laws to use to live the perfect life in Abundant, Peace. , Health and Love, there would be no limitation for the human primitive race guided by the Spirit or Soul inside the human body. God provided the human body with a very powerful gift the MIND and HEART the mind would be able to learn on accepting or rejecting things, the heart gave emotional power to the thoughts of the mind. When both used together it would pass the subconsious mind for approval of own believe and be send out to the Field, Heaven, Universe and be returned that was being asked by the Human for his or her Creation and Awareness. God gave humans the first word that goes hand in hand with his 3 Laws people should have believe in to believe in him. And he gave them the word GOD Now 97% of the population not know this knowledge and not even know what the word means or what the 3 laws are that God gave Humans to use, but today I will share with you the secret that has been kept secret by rulers, church and other religions for stopping the freedom people received from God, so they can benefit from guiding people into another truth and believe far away from the truth God created all. Today for you all the meaning will change. The word GOD according to the 3 laws means: G=Giving O=Oneness D=Destiny or Destination When humans follow these 3 Laws they are with God. You have to become aware God is not a white man with a beard solving all your problems when you pray, a prayer without knowing the laws is not going anywhere and that is what you see in the lives of humans in the world today. There is Fear, Chaos, Crime, Poverty for 97% of the population inly a small % lives in abundance on every area of their life. Now this is no coinsedence nor it is unfair according to God. It has nothing to do wether you are a good or a bad person, you go to church or not believe at all in religion. Gods creation works according laws and these created laws are like a computer program which are in connection to YOU. God is inside YOU, you are inside God. God is in everything you see around, in every thought, every creation you make or think about. God is Everything you see and everything that is in the invisible world, but it is already created and reachable for you to create when aware or for most unaware tap into the 3 laws. You can now practise the 3 laws to your best to finally be connected to God because now you know YOU are a spiritual being connected to the Field having a human experience in a energized body of Atoms kept together by Sound..Now you also realize God is not a man with a beard giving YOU stuff or solve any problem you facing, God created the laws so you have to become aware of who you are, what you can do, and ACT yourself to fix your existing Reality..Most people pray to the sky, not take action and wondering WHY nothing change in their life so much...THE ASK GOD FOR FAVORS AND GIVE NOTHING TO GOD... The first Letter G= Giving...What you give out, returns to you multiplied. So when people think God never ask for favors are totally in a false mindset of what they learned to believe..God demands when you want to Receive, you have to Give, otherwise you can hope and wait till you die, but nothing will come to you The second letter O=Oneness...It means you have to feel in every cell of your body God is in every cell of your body and in every atom you see around you. With people you have to become ONE..working together, wishing other people that what you wish for yourself, give love to others as you would give love to yourself without wanting anything in return..Again when reaches ONENESS you again are in the acting of GIVING and therefor receive as ONE what you gave out The last letter D=Destination or Destiny of where you needed to go in everything..Your spirit helps your mind to become awake realizing it is not the Mind that is YOU, but that it is the Spirit that is YOU. The Mind and the Spirit work together, one cannot be without the other, the Spirit is wise and lived alot longer then your mind and body..The mind of humans is Primitive and therefor responds in primitive behavior and lives in Ego, Fear, Logic and more of that what it experienced and believe in, even if it is a LIE..God gave humans FREE WILL to choose, and so God also gave rules to the SPIRIT to not interfere with the FREEWILL of a human Mind and Choice. That will be the SPIRITS experiences and game he is alowed to play during its time on earth..It is like teaching a child with autism to understand the world and logic how we as normal people see things,,we probably loose hope and get angry at the child for not understanding or seeing what we try to give as truth for the child,,,but the spirit is patient and only knows LOVE and patiently waits till your Mind accepts the truth of Gods creation and Gods Laws and the awareness of who YOU truly are as a unlimited spiritual being....Think about it daily, practise it daily till you believe what I shared with you, or reject what I said and keep believing the 5th grade religion awareness most people are in and believe in...It take courage to step out of your comfort zone and that what you believed was true, and in a way it is true, but its not the complete story you need to become FREE as God Created your life to be daily. As last I like to give an example I experience with people daily, even after explaning to them the true connection with God and how they can improve their lives according the laws God made, not me.. Our company and support system FFG working also according the laws of God, there they understand the Laws and want to help people into a better FREE LIFE. Our company says join us and purchase only 1 product which will return to you with profit and you own your own business which will provide you UNLIMITED INCOME when act, believe and work on the 3 laws as decribed above////give(receive)-oneness (team work/network)-destnation(abundance and freedom) many say: Josh please help me..I reply I just did..and they will still say after the whole story: please I understand all, but give me money and I promise i work for you and return you the money... Now we already tried this way to help people and the outcome was their lives got worse, we didnt helped them, we made their life and mindset worse then before..they didnt understand giving is receiving so even we gave them money, they lost the money and got more into debt then before and went from a moment in better financial situation back into poverty which HURTS alot more then one doenst know what a better life financially would feel work,,they are in a mindset they not learned to ACT and are stuck into their comfort zone mentaility, habits and behavior, so they didnt work at all but used excuses why they didnt were able to to work...They didnt understand Gods law is THEY have to change, because the money doenst changes anything, a business doenst changes anything when the person him or herself is not investing all of the time to become aware of who they really are and connect to Gods laws to grow..Once one invest time daily with exercises to FEEL the awareness and presence of God, it turns into Gratitude for Life and everything around YOU and the world changes aroung YOU,,not that the world changed, but you changed,,the slogun: once I was blind and now I can see,,,,is very very reality,,how do you know what is real, when people walking around with unaware knowledge and not even know who they are themselves???? their eyes are closed and walking around in fear, doubt and no destination, cause they not even know where they are most of the time Working with us you gain: Understanding the laws of God and Connect truly to God Winalite business that gives you Unlimited income FFG support system that helps you to change your subconsious mind from trials and errors in your life Awareness from Visionary Josh that guides you into a more free and happy life connected in full awareness to the realm of God, Universe, The Field or what ever place you like to think off Message me if you have questions or want to sit with me in my living room brainstorming about YOUR Awareness and FREEDOM you know youve been searching for all your life..Your spirit knows the way and been guiding your mind to believe, but youve learned to believe something else and didnt listen to YOU,,now I can help YOU to listing and believe in YOU God said to Moses while he was at the burning bush something that makes a big difference I am THAT I am This is misunderstood for thousands of years all because of the CODE we know and see everyday...a , I am that , I am You are what you think you are and feel you are every seconde you use your mind,,,what do you really want?? who is it you really ARE Visionary Josh wishing you a amazing cool and abundant sunday and hope you join our company so we can help YOU become FREE in every area of your life connected to God....
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 14:06:21 +0000

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