Good evening citizens of Globeville and friends! Please take the - TopicsExpress


Good evening citizens of Globeville and friends! Please take the time to read through this very important and informative posting. The fundamental purpose of this post is to properly inform our members of our great community of the situation at Holy Rosary Catholic Church, most importantly, the usage of their school building. Two months ago, the church, its parishioners, and some of the community leaders of our neighborhood, were approached by Catholic Charities, in response to the Archdiocese of Denver to turn the school building into an overnight womens shelter for those less fortunate than most of us. As there werent any other facilities capable of housing around 70-80 women, the executive decision was passed along to Catholic Charities to move forward with the shelter. This decision, and the ensuing shelter was NOT included in our neighborhood planning process (the final neighborhood plan adoption occurring on Dec 1st), wasnt addressed with the parishioners, nor the neighbors, was pretty much just thrown upon by the neighborhood by the powers that be, therefore spawning a communal movement towards complete opposition of the shelter. Since mid-November, there have been several meetings with Catholic Charities, Denver RoadHome, the Denver Police Department, and a group of community members who formed an advisory committee, living within 500 feet of the church, the author of this page included. The original contract, or proposal, which wasnt really a proposal at all, but was again, rather forced on our community, was for a two-year contract with the neighborhood and Parish. This contract was not signed, but as the Archdiocese has the Right of Way to the buildings usage, there wasnt much anybody, including Councilwoman Montero, her people, and our committee could do about it. Throughout the advisory committee meetings, there were a myriad of complaints about this happening, the first and foremost argument being that Globeville has historically bent-over backwards for people who need help, currently with five operating shelters, safe-houses, and detention facilities within our boundaries. Through negotiations with the advisory committee and Catholic Charities, the neighborhood contract is for the school to be used as a shelter for 120 days, the second week of May being the set date for their dismissal, (January 10th being the first day of occupancy). As you may or may not have seen the scenes of police cars, ambulances, and fire-trucks eight out of the past eleven nights or mornings, the majority of these responses came from women in the facility having severe medical issues. Per our agreement with Catholic Charities, these women, who are bussed from the Samaritan House downtown, the women should be able to be functioning enough to pass a brief medical exam before their departure from the Samaritan House. There have been numerous complaints about the sometimes three-in-the-morning bright lights and sirens, startling and alarming many of the residents who live close to the Church in the process. It therefore appears as there has also been a failure of the leadership that oriented/trained the staff to sensitize the staff, and therefore the shelter occupants, to the neighborhood. Larry Smith, the CEO and President of Catholic Charities, who has been extremely attentive and sincere about the impact of our neighborhood, has been in discussion with the board numerous times, and assures all of us that these occurrences are going to be greatly reduced. Smith stated the following in correspondence: We (CC) did not and do not anticipate the frequency of medical and police visits to the shelter and still expect that to settle down. We have been keeping the more infirm and less mobile woman at the Samaritan House in an effort to minimize this but it needs further review. Addressing other issues, including that IT IS NOT A WALKUP SHELTER, where the bus parks, smoking on the premises, the condition of these women upon arrival, and the increasing number of pedestrians on our streets, there will be another meeting on Wednesday with the board and representatives of CC, Smith included. Per the most recent meeting held on Jan 7th, and based on recent experience, anticipate arrival at 7:00 pm after their dinner at the Samaritan House at the back entrance to the shelter. • Expect to see 70 – 75 women per night at Holy Rosary • Early departure at 5:00 am or 6:00 am • Will use all allowable days (120) between January and May ***Construction update*** • New fire alarm system installed • Two false alarms have been triggered because kitchen users were not using fans • Provided education on what to do and the issue is resolved • Completed electrical upgrade • Security door to isolate the women from the remainder of the building is installed and equipped with an alarm • Security box outside of the building is installed and available for police/fire departments if needed • ADA ramp completed with pathway lighting and secure railing • Patch asphalt on the driveway after ramp is complete • Plans to patch the sidewalks after shelter opening In conclusion, Globeville and her people have battled and fought through many different issues, advisories, and challenges in our rich 120 year history. We have helped those in need when many of our own are within a couple of paychecks, a few drinks, or a shot in the arm or two away from being in their exact spot. Lest he not judge another, right? However, THIS IS IT in regards to halfway houses, shelters, etc in our community. Globeville, Denver, Colorado is now a VIBRANT, DYNAMIC, and ever-so-changing neighborhood that is only beginning to feel the wonderful impact of the gentrification of the Northside as a whole. We will continue to assist those in-need, with organizations such as Blood Brotherz, Globeville K.A.R.E.S, and Project Angel Heart, and with people such as Boogie, and can only hope that the situation at Holy Rosary improves. The pictures are of some of the improvements made within the facility, as well of the almost nightly scene occurring there. We can only pray for these women and that the overall situation improves.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 00:05:02 +0000

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