Good evening everyone!! So a bit of a tougher day in regards to - TopicsExpress


Good evening everyone!! So a bit of a tougher day in regards to Epic E today. She is quite irritable when she is awake and she is looking pretty yellow, but we were told thats quite normal considering she just had about 70-75% of her liver removed! Her body is on a bit of shock trying to figure out what just happened!! The catheter has come out though and shes peeing well so thats awesome!! :-) The ng tube is still in but suction has been turned off and its been clamped to see if she can tolerate feeding. She nursed a few times today for short periods of time but vomited twice so they want to leave it in just in case it needs to be opened. She was given another dose of phosphate tonight to help boost her level a bit. She is just sitting on the low end of normal so they want to make sure it doesnt drop. She is still receiving 50% of her losses from the JP drain using albumin through the IV also. She still has the epidural in also. Pain management feels like it is still quite effective so they dont want to remove it just yet. On the non-medical side of things, we celebrated Papas birthday today!! Thanks to Grandmaman Jeannette Deno for bringing supper and the birthday pie ;-) Thanks also to Uncle Myles for coming to hang out with us and for the ticket to go see Coheed and Cambria!!! Pretty exciting!! And thanks to Shannon LegueShannon for coming after work... Ruby had such a wonderful time with you guys and its always so nice to see you!!! We also had a surprise visit from Aunt TaraLynn Chenier and Uncle Neil Chenier today!!! They came and met up with MJ Wheeler-Ali, Omar Ali, Caelib, Grandma and Grandpa Wheeler! There wasnt a lot of time to spend with Epic E because we are trying to get her to sleep as much as possible and often, as soon as she hears the door open or other voices her eyes pop open suspiciously and she watches to make sure theres no one here to touch her! It was wonderful seeing you all and having lunch!! MJ also brought a very special package from Kristi and Lindsay Billing with a little something for everyone!! Rubys eyes got so big when I read her card to get and the first thing she said when she was leaving was, Oh, Id better bring my three coins so I can make my wish!! :-) Thank you so much for such a thoughtful package!!! We also received a package at RMH from matante Julie Dexter and mononcle Corey Dexter! Thank you guys also for such a thoughtful gift!!! We loved the notes too and Ruby changed into her new shirt tonight... She also showed off her Spiderman bracelets to Es nurse :-) we also got a chance to sit and read together tonight before she left :-) Its the little things that mean so much :-) Anyway, E is sleeping so I am going to take advantage and try to sleep also!!! Thanks so much to every single one of you for your continued support!!! It means so much to us!! Much love to everyone!!!! ~*XoX*~ Epic E and Family!!!! :-)
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 02:03:44 +0000

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