Good evening my friends - Today I want to continue sharing my - TopicsExpress


Good evening my friends - Today I want to continue sharing my thoughts regarding distractions. Most of the rest of the ideas I have regarding this subject will have to do with how the enemy of our soul is distracting us now. But first, I would be remiss if I didnt shake things up a little bit with an honest look at ourselves. You see this prayer group is made up of people who have liked the idea of being involved with others to support and encourage one another. Its why were here. We all have a basic belief in the power of prayer. I dont care how you do it, or what your spiritual background is...if youre willing to set time aside. Please hear my heart on this issue. I am not saying television is a sin or anything like that. But I have found myself being challenged by God with this simple phrase, How much do you care? Its really difficult to answer while spending time in front of the boob tube. When I die I will not wish I spent more time watching. I decided to cancel my cable, not because I felt it was a sin but because I was wasting my money. I just was choosing to spend more time doing other things like; communicating with people, praying, reading His word, and there just hasnt been time for tv. I just cant get away from His much do I care? I realize this subject may bother some people. But if youre willing to read this far and consider what Im must also be willing to honestly evaluate your life and the fruit of it. Honestly, I will still occasionally watch a redbox movie, but my life has changed. I really dont think Im missing anything. So yes Im challenging you much do you care? The days before us are pitted with snares and trials and yes even tribulation. The most exciting time in human history to have ever been alive. It appears that in our life we could very well witness the Lords return. But when He returns, what will He find us in the middle of? Father - before things get too rough and out of control. Before things get so desperate most people wont know how to pray, because they wont be used to praying through difficulties and hearing Your voice directing them. Help us to develop our spiritual muscles Lord and at least fulfill the first two aspects of Your requirement to humble ourselves and pray. Help us Lord to honestly evaluate our walk with You. Help us to honestly evaluate our hearts. Do we give You lip service Lord or are we sincere about our faith, belief in the spoken word and the ability to effect our situations and circumstances. Holy Spirit - have Your way in our hearts, and lead us to a deeper place of compassion and empathy. Lead us to demonstrate that we truly do care. In Jesus name!
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 05:28:33 +0000

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