Good luck to anyone trying to make sense of this shit coz im not - TopicsExpress


Good luck to anyone trying to make sense of this shit coz im not even sure myself. But its interesting that in the animal kingdom, if one causes hurt or discomfort to those around them, they are punished only once, and then after all is forgiven. Quite a different story for humans it would seem. We humans punish each other numerous times for one single offense regardless of the severity of the act itself, in fact were the only species on the entire planet that does so. We love to remind others of their past indiscretions or wrong doings. We make sure they feel remorse for it all over again and that they also never forget it. Quite common in heated discussions or used as a last resort if someone feels they arent getting theyre way. Then again some people are just pricks lol. I know this next part sounds bleak, but one bad deed will more often than not render any kindness or good deed(s) a person may have accomplished in the past, irrelevant. They wont see you as anything more than the person who wronged them. If youve been hurt before you know this is true. Whats worse is that no amount of effort to make things right will remove that ugly smudge against your name. You may be forgiven But definitely not forgotten. So what do you do as a remorseful member of the human condition? Accept the fact that everyone is going to have an opinion about you, good or bad? Continue to express youre sincerest apologies in the hope of reconciliation? Or do you cut youre losses and move on? Give it time?? Shit! I dont know. I guess what im trying to say is that if your close to someone who has hurt you or if you have done so to someone else. Try your very best to make emens or if your on the flip side. You might wanna have a decent go at the forgiveness thing. Ill finish with a qote I heard somewhere. You will become that which you judge Thats my word vomit done. But what do think? Obviously I dont expect everyone will share my point of view as my stance on the subject is.. For lack of a better word, pessimistic. But leave a comment if you so feel the inclination.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 22:23:52 +0000

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