Good morning Bellaire City, Ohio; I want to begin todays rant - TopicsExpress


Good morning Bellaire City, Ohio; I want to begin todays rant with an apology. Over the next few weeks you will see the best and worst from the people who will represent you in the coming years on display. Some of this will be coming from existing political figures, while other portions will be coming from people running for office. I want to say this for the people who are running for office ONLY; I forgive you.. I know that sounds odd, but when you are running for office the stump speech portion of your campaign can be very vibrant. When you believe in something so much that you are willing to stand up against unbelievable odds and just yell to the wind, then you understand what I am speaking of. To the existing political people WHO ARE IN OFFICE and running again currently I want to wish you luck. Each of you is partially responsible for the existing condition of the village as it stands now. Each of you in your own way made an impression (good and bad) on the day to day lives of the people of Bellaire, Ohio. Soon there will be some new people in office and it will be up to them to bring in their own life experience and wisdom to the job at hand. Will they be up to the task? I do hope so. I will continue to go to council meetings and encourage them (council) to do the correct things. If I happen to be one of the people sitting on the other side of the mic then I will demand the same from the people who are watching me make difficult decisions. Watch me, have input Bellaire. Every day we make difficult decisions in our own lives, and those decisions mold us into the masterpiece that is our existence. The nice part about political decisions (for you) is that you get to decide which art work you get to represent you, the voter. So paint, sculpt and decide well Bellaire. Maybe in 4 years you will enjoy the art gallery once again! Have a great day Bellaire!
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 09:49:58 +0000

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