Good morning...Im running over so I come #pouringintoyou I Am That - TopicsExpress


Good morning...Im running over so I come #pouringintoyou I Am That I Am. Yes, I have come into a huge inheritance and theres no way I can use it all. My immediate family inherited I Am That I Am as well so I have no need to hoard. I have plenty to share. Growing up I was in what most call a one parent home. My Mamma was the parent. She and my dad divorced when I was two years old. in the world was it a single parent home when everybody in the neighborhood was your parent? Mamma was in the process of getting a house built on monies she earned from ironing in homes and cleaning Pines Theatre when she divorced. As our needs grew she hustled and acquired other cleaning jobs in office buildings. It was our job to help in all these jobs. I remember as she ironed at different homes my job was to sit under the pointed end of the ironing board and entertain myself doing Nothing. I did not get thirsty. I did not get hungry. I did not need to use the bathroom. I did not get bored. You do not want nothing. You do not touch nothing and you will not get nothing but a behind whipping if you do otherwise. Those were the rules. We were poor, very poor, but for some reason as children we never knew we were. When our birthday rolled around we got a dollar from most relatives, ice cream and cake. For Christmas we got whatever the S & H Green Stamps, Big Bonus Stamps and Quality Stamps equally divided among us could buy. For back to school we got a couple of new pieces and neighborhood switch-a-roo hand me downs and hand me downs from the people Mamma worked for. It was what everyone we knew did. With great anticipation we awaited for these special times to roll around. Today, earning thousands of dollars today I look back and say man, I dont see how she did it. But then I know exactly how she did it. I dont see how poor we were, I see how rich we were. She had the inheritance from I Am That I Am. When it came to putting food on the table, she blessed the food saying, I have never seen the righteous forsaken nor seed begging bread. She would pray, You promised to supply all our need according to Your riches in glory...the prayer continued with her saying You said if I delight myself in You, You would give me the desires of my heart. I Am That I Am, Worshipful Master and Provider, please bless this food that it may be used to fill, nourish and strengthen our bodies in Christ Jesus Name I pray, Amen. Each morning before we departed from the home, our family devotional prayer had these phrases, I Am That I Am I know You will protect us until we return to this appointed place at the appointed time. I remember needing a ride to go places and we had our feet for transportation. Mamma would pray, I know, I Am That I Am, You will make a way out of no way. We would walk up to the top of the road and start out walking until someone came along and picked us up. Today I want to pour into you I Am That I Am. I have found Him to be a Father, Husband, Comforter, Love, Joy, Peace, Understanding, Leader, Guide, My Everything, My All and All. Who, What, Where, When and How are all answered by having I Am That I Am. (Exodus 3:14KJV) I am the bread of life (John 6:35,48,51). I am the light of the world (John 8:12). I am the door of the sheep(John 10:7,9). I am the good shepherd (John 10:11,14).I am the resurrection, and the life (John 11:25). I am the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6). I am the true vine (John 15:1,5).
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 13:25:29 +0000

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