Good morning. My heart woke me up this morning, The - TopicsExpress


Good morning. My heart woke me up this morning, The palpitations are back.Theyre not nearly as bad as the other morning, though, and Im not panicking. They are subsiding even as I type this. I had a good day yesterday. My counseling session was a good one and I even enjoyed the drive to McAlester and back, even though it was a hot ride. I managed to get what I needed to get at Lowes and Walmart and get out in record time. Last nights EA meeting was a good one, Im happy to see the group taking on a life of its own. Lord knows Ive needed the group and it helps me in so many ways. I appreciate and draw strength from every member. If any of you reading this have considered coming to a meeting and are on the fence about it, you should bite the bullet and come spend a tuesday evening with us. Its been a real blessing to me and may be to you as well. My goals for today are to fix Kelceys laptop and to mow my lawn. If I can do those two things, I will feel like I accomplished something today. I hope everyone has a great hump day :) ___________________________________ August 27 Reflection for today: So often I either denied my feelings or was not aware of them. I tried to avoid feelings because I did not want to feel pain. It was imperative that I came to see pain from a new perspective. Pain does not come from God. Feeling pain is part of my being human. Pain tells me I need to change something (maybe only my attitude). If a person did not feel pain from a physical illness, a doctor might not be seen, which could result in death. Pain in necessary. Meditation for today: If I am trying to avoid pain again, help me to remember that pain is not all negative. The fact is, there is no gain without pain. Today I will remember: Pain is inevitable - suffering is optional
Posted on: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 10:06:13 +0000

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