Good morning dear friends and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALL - TopicsExpress


Good morning dear friends and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALL FRIENDS THOSE ARE BORN ON 8TH February character * You are driven and determined and have a very serious persona. You may be a creative soul but you always take life gravely; you are not one for idle chitchat or superficial nonsense. You have a plan and a goal, and you want to get your teeth into lifes problems to solve them quickly. You are very hard on yourself and need to be kinder and more compassionate to yourself. life path * You are drawn to the seedier aspects of life-you like to take a peek at the underbelly of humanity, perhaps because you have not yet come to terms with or integrated your shadow side. We are all very complex and have the good, the bad, and the ugly in us, so accept all aspects of yourself and avoid being self- destructive. love * You seem unable to give your all to a partner and are often wrapped up in your own thoughts to the exclusion of other people. Your loved ones can get frustrated with you but are often doting. A good choice would be a Capricorn, whose ruling planet, Saturn, is also your birth date ruler. best present * Trip to a comedy club, toy sports car. birthday share * 1921 Lana Turner, actress; 1925 Jack Lemmon, actor; 1931 James Dean, actor; 1941 Nick Nolte, actor. on this day * In 1910, the Boy Scouts of America organization was founded in the District of Colombia.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Feb 2014 05:54:33 +0000

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