Good morning everyone. Hope you all had a good weekend. Lets - TopicsExpress


Good morning everyone. Hope you all had a good weekend. Lets pray. Father God thank you for blessing us with another day. Father we ask we ask for peace and comfort for those mourning the loss of a loved one this morning. Father guide them through this difficult time and remind them that in you there is consolation. Father we know there is sadness because our loved ones physical presence will be missed, but Father you provided a source of salvation through the sacrifice of your Son, Jesus Christ so we can rejoice because death holds no power over your people. Please give them this peace through the knowledge of your will being done and acceptance that one day we all have to face death, but not alone, because we live by faith in your promise of eternal life. Father please continue to bless them. Father God we honor and praise you despite the hurts and pains of this life because your love for us through your grace and mercy gives us the will and endurance to go on because you favor us and will never forsake or fail us. We thank you Father. Lord help us continue to walk in your way that we may be a beacon to others to find you and find theirs needs met no matter what or how difficult the situation may be. Father we give you all the glory. We thank you and love you and by faith we claim all we ask already received. In Jesus name we pray. AMEN!!! Please continue to remember those families that are going through some difficult times and uplift them not just by praying but putting your faith in motion by doing something for them. Its not always the grandest of things that are needed, sometimes a simple word of encouragement and your time to listen to them is what they may need the most. Be blessed and bless someone. Love you all.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 13:21:17 +0000

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