Good morning friends! It is time to get out of bed and get ready - TopicsExpress


Good morning friends! It is time to get out of bed and get ready for work, time to make sure that we make the best of today, the best of a new day. May be a day to be ready to get up after hitting rock bottom if life throw anything unexpected at you. The ups and downs of life are what make it so valuable. We hit the lows before the highs, and the cycle repeats itself all over again, and most often, it’s without warning. It’s at times when we’ve hit the bottom that we are most anxious for the next moment to be one of salvation to pull us from the sinking sand. But think about this friends, even if you feel you’ve hit rock bottom, it is not the end. That’s right, life goes on. Can you believe it? In times of desperation, when you feel like the world is against you, stay in check and get back up on your feet. How can you do that I hear you ask? Start with this one, don’t pity yourself. Remember, everything happens for a reason. We are meant to suffer through misfortune before we can reach the high points in life. Battling through the tough times makes you a stronger person, challenging you to rise to the occasion and conquer whatever gets in your way. If you’re feeling like you’ve finally hit the bottom, don’t pity yourself. Everyone falls down sometimes. Surprise yourself with your inner strength and bravery. You can do anything if you want it badly enough. Instead of feeling sorry for yourself, take the negativity that’s weighing you down and turn it into motivation. Let the lows bring you higher by developing a thicker skin each time you’re brought down. Make an everyday to-do list. Sometimes recovering from whatever it is that has you down is really hard to do. If you’re feeling so down that it’s hard to get out of bed and get started with your day every morning, make an everyday to-do list. It may sound petty and stupid, but it also might drastically improve your quality of life. Getting yourself motivated to do anything when your mind is totally consumed with overwhelming negative thoughts can become a challenge to conquer every single day. Instead of focusing on the bad, an everyday to-do list gives you a handful of things to focus on day-in and day-out. Out with the bad, In with the good. What is it that’s weighing you down? Is it your own mind, or is it some outside factor? Is it controllable? Many times, the things that have the greatest impact are within our control. If you’ve hit the bottom and there is clearly something you can do about it, what the hell are you waiting for? People will come and go in your life. If there are bad people making a mess of your life and affecting your happiness, say goodbye. The number one person in life is yourself. If you don’t have happiness, then what do you have? Even if the negative factors aren’t physical people, the negative might be some other controllable situation like your current job or place in life. Make changes, sometimes change is good and should be embraced. If you absolutely dread going to work in the morning, find another job. Even if your finances take a temporary hit, so be it. Money does not equal happiness. If you’re not happy with where you are in life, figure out where it is you want to be. You must first discover yourself and what you want from this life before you can enjoy it. Dismiss the bad, and embrace all of the good that this world has to offer. Stop waiting, start doing. Stop waiting for the next big thing to happen. If you’re living in the past, or looking forward to the future, you’re not living right. Live in the present and embrace all that you have to be grateful for. If nothing else, you’re alive and reading this, and that’s something to be thankful for. Stop looking back, stop looking forward and start working on the present. You cannot change past mistakes or regrets; you cannot predict or alter what’s going to happen next. You can only make the most out of this moment, so make it a good one. Let go. It’s always darkest before the dawn. I live by this proverb, and it’s a constant reminder that no matter what situation is at hand, there’s always brightness ahead. No matter what you’re going through, it’s not going to last forever, and it’s not going to define who you are, or the life that you are living. Overcoming hardships is just a part of life. Sometimes mourning is necessary, but don’t linger. You have to let go. Let go of whatever is weighing you down, and move on with your life. Remember, life throws you curves, but you learn to swerve. In the end, you will get out of whatever hole you’re in right now, and you will come out on top. Keep swervin’ friends.
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 05:35:19 +0000

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