**Good morning happy Wednesday** 1. I was wondering if you play - TopicsExpress


**Good morning happy Wednesday** 1. I was wondering if you play your baby white noise while they sleep- and when should you stop doing this? What are the pros and cons? Our son is 8 mths and has had white noise to sleep to since his birth. He is a great sleeper, or has been so far. 2. Trying for our 2nd baby my cycles are very irregular! Anyone found ovulation tracking helped? Or any other tips? Thanks 3. Hi I have a 8 week bub who is full FB yesterday after a night of extended sleep and less the her normal feeds I have developed a hard lump in my right breast which is really painful. Ive tried a number of different techniques to try and move it from a hot shower, massage, feeding on this side first and a heat pack but with no luck. Does anyone have any other suggestion really dont want it to develop into mastitis thanks 4. Just after some ideas to get my 5week old to go back to sleep after his 2am-3am feed. He is wide awake after that feed and it takes me well over an hour to get him back to sleep. Dont suggest the controlled crying as thats something I wont do as I believe its cruel. I will only ever put him down when crying so I can relax myself again to continue dealing with the crying. 5. Last week or so my 11 month old has be waking up during the night crying but goes back to sleep after 5 minutes of me holding him. Anyone else having the same problem? Also anyone else 11 month old giving them trouble when it comes to changing clothes or nappy? My little one just starts crying for no reason and moves around heaps😳 6. I have an 8 month old baby who is starting to rise early in the mornings. I am looking for any tips to help her sleep longer at night. She currently goes to bed at 7:30pm and wakes anywhere from 6:10am. I would love if she woke closer to 7:00am. She has 2 naps in the day, totally 2hr40 - 3hr00. Is this wake up normal at this age? Is 7:30pm bed time too late for her? 7. Just wondering if anyone can give me advice on how to get my 9month old daughter whos still breastfed as wont take a bottle to sleep the majority of the night? Atm shes waking every 1-2hrs please help 8. Hi, Im a FTM of 10 month old dd who until now has been a great sleeper, stirring a couple of time an hr or so after going to bed but being easily patted back to sleep, then waking once between 1-3am for a feed the sleeping till 5.30/6.30. However fir the last month or so she has been waking 10/11pm,1ish & 3/4am and being really hard to get back to sleep. We settle her in her cot by patting but as soon as we stop she wakes up again. It can take 1-1.5hrs to get her back to sleep. We give her a bottle around 1ish or if she is being really difficult & is still up around 12 we give it to her then, she drinks about half her bottle. She has also got her 2 bottom teeth during this time & it looks like her top 2 are coming any day as well. I am unsure whether she is unsettled due to teething, in which case I would prefer to comfort her and wait for this phase to pass. Or if this is a learned behaviour and we are encouraging it by going in and patting for Hrs a night. Any opinions, ideas and experiences would be greatly appreciated!
Posted on: Tue, 22 Apr 2014 23:01:57 +0000

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