Good morning my friends. I’m glad to get back in my routine and - TopicsExpress


Good morning my friends. I’m glad to get back in my routine and got up at 2:40 this morning. I know a lot of you think I’m strange because I get up so early, I know Vickie does. You know, I think it’s strange that people can lie in bed until after daylight. I feel like they are missing the best part of the day. I started getting up really early to do my walking in the summertime because it was so doggoned hot after the sun came up. I used to get up at 3:00 in the morning and walk for an hour around the streets of Harris Village and it was a great time for prayer. It was so silent and no one to bother me. About 4:30, I would begin to hear birdsong as my feathered friends began waking up and conversing with one another. Sometimes, the birds sounded like they were just happy and glad to be alive and were perhaps giving thanks to the Almighty for living through another night safely. I might have awoken them by the sound of my tennis-shod feet padding on the asphalt as I plodded along. They could have even been welcoming me to their neighborhood. It’s the little things like listening to the sweet sounds of early morning birdsong that can bring an extra helping of pleasure to one’s life. I try my best to give thanks for all things, even the bad. I know that the Good Lord has a reason for allowing me to get in certain situations. Sometimes, I need to know who’s in charge and a good dose of humility is often required. Sometimes, perhaps when I get a little envious of other people’s material possessions, He lets me see people close to me who are struggling and need a helping hand. I tried to share with my grandson last Sunday about the way one feels when he gives to someone in need without any hope of reward. The feeling of giving surpasses the feeling of wanting and having hands down. Never miss the opportunity to give from the heart…sometimes a hug is all I have…but that sometimes is sufficient for me as the giver, and for the one in need, to make us both feel a little better. We’re all in this world together and none of us are going to get out of this world alive, so why not help one another along the way. We may never know how we touched somebody’s heart until we get to heaven and sure enough, there they will be waiting for us and ready to tell us how much they appreciate what we did for them. Sometime, just letting someone know that you are praying for them will help lift their heavy burden. Sometimes the burdens get too heavy for one person to bear alone. I am grateful that my daddy taught me about giving at an early age. He would give the shirt off his back to help someone in need. If he didn’t have enough money to help someone out of a jam, he’d go borrow it from a neighbor and give it to the needy person and then pay the neighbor back when he got some money of his own. I have never known of a more generous man in my life. Daddy gave of his time; too, that was what he had more of. He’d often go to the homes of the infirm and the aged to do their washing, mow their yards, cook for them, and shave the old men or anything else that was needed to make their lives a little better. I thank God that He has passed on his legacy to my older brother who does a lot of the same things for folks in his neighborhood. I see my dad today in my brother’s unfailing service to his community and church. There was one thing we were never short of when we were growing up and that was love and sage advice. I was probably more of a problem than my brother and sister combined, but thankfully, I got through my days of youthful ignorance and grew in stature to where I am now into my days of being old and ignorant. Some of us just never grow up. I may grow old, but I will probably never grow up. There are more needs out there today than we can shake a stick at, so we need to get up early and get a start on it. My prayer list grows and grows each day and sometimes that’s all I can do…pray for somebody who is hurting physically, financially, or spiritually, and offer them my concern and a warm hug. I’m sorry if I got to sounding a little preachy this morning, but I never know what I’m going to write when I sit down at the computer, Maybe it was because I got to spend a little time with my brother and friends at the What-a-Burger last night that prompted me to write what I wrote. Who knows? Anyway, have a good day my friends and share your wealth, your time, and above all, your love. God Bless!!
Posted on: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 09:03:49 +0000

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