Good morning my glorious family. The Sabbath has arrived as weve - TopicsExpress


Good morning my glorious family. The Sabbath has arrived as weve opened our eye and I look up to heaven and say Thank You God who makes it all possible. The weekend has flown by hopefully with each and everyone of you enjoying every minute of it. In asking for guidance last evening as to what to share with yall this morning, my Papa God indicated strength to be what my post would be about. The verse I then share with one and all this morning is Psalms 18:31-32, For who is God besides the Lord? And who is the Rock except for God? It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect. Funny thing about strength is that so many of us want to know that we have some sort of it physically in able to use it in our daily lives. The Good Lord knows that we need it to function independently and He provides it to us. But there is a strength that just as we exercise our bodies to have physical strength, we need to practice our spirituality to keep it going. Any good athlete will tell you that the physical strength they acquire begins with the inner strength they must tap into. Same thing for all of us who believe and follow our Magnificent Father. The strength the Lord gives us is tremendous and really is without limits. Its up to us though to tap into that strength through our very close relationship we have with Him. This week I mentioned a bout of depression I had a few weeks ago. All that time I never lost sight of my inner strength as Papa God kept reminding me throughout my ordeal. My peace was shaken but He provided me the strength to be able to see what I was going through would soon pass. This is the exact strength that I write about this morning. There are trials and tribulations that come with being alive. Our Father knows exactly what Hes doing even on those types of days. Even if the situation looks bleak and were feeling battered, if we listen close enough well hear that sweet and reassuring voice telling us weve got the inner strength to see anything and everything through. The strength that lies within each of us not even the strongest person in the world can break with God in our corner. Thats the promise He has so lovingly and gloriously promised His children whom He loves so much. Problems tiny and gigantic are no match for the majestical power our Father possesses. And that strength He imparts in us as the covenant He shares. However in order for us to feel that strength, just as any great athlete, we must constantly exercise our faith and devotion to our Holy Trinity. Yes my family each of you have the strength to move mountains. But know this, those mountains will be moved in Gods time not ours. Our job is to believe in our strength and the strong arm that is leading us. It is only then that rock by rock our mountains of despair, illness, financial woes or any other stumbling block will dissipate leaving only joy, love and gratitude. Our God is the strongest and most powerful God we could ask for. And each of us carry part of that fantastic strength inside of us. If we didnt, there would be no way that wed be here today. My wonderful family never give up and never ever give in. Wishing each and everyone a powerfully spiritual day which it will be when you feel your inner strength tells you to make it your day.
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 12:49:31 +0000

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