Good morning my majestic family. Waking up to find the sweetest - TopicsExpress


Good morning my majestic family. Waking up to find the sweetest Sunday gifted to each of us and I say Thank You Holiest God. Have had a most spectacular weekend with friends and family. This morning I would like to share with my beloved family what is written in Psalms 116:12, How can I repay the Lord for all His goodness to me? Such a simple question that could easily serve as a compass for our lives. How do we give back to our Father all that He so readily and unselfishly gives each one of us on a daily basis? I feel that this is a question that can be answered by people a variety of ways. There are folks who say they didnt ask for anything given to them, there are folks who receive heavenly gifts and rather than feel grateful, question them and then there are those who humbly and gratefully open their hearts to receive heavenly blessings and acknowledge them always. We can categorize each group as ungrateful, doubters and Gods flock. Yes we are all Papa Gods creations but not all people want to be in His flock. Thing is our Father is not going to force anyone to follow Him as one of the many gifts were gifted with is free will. Free will to choose whatever path in life we take but at the same time when its our judgment day, the same path we followed on earth will determine where we will reside for all eternity. So getting back to the original question of how to repay our Father. We repay Him by being the very best example of His unwavering love and faith He has for each of children. We do this by exemplifying what it means to walk in light and readily offering our lives to serve our God as He sees fit. We try to see the goodness in everything and try to bring others to His magnificent light. I could go but Im positive you get the gest. If you asked me how do I attempt to repay my Dear Father for all He has done for me, I would have to tell yall to continue reading Psalms 116 and my answer is found in the verses 13 & 14, I will lift the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord. I will fulfill my vows to the Lord in the presence of all His people. This I do this morning with yall my dear family. Im here writing these humble words and telling you that recognizing ever breath we take is a gift in itself will indeed cleanse our hearts and souls to receive even greater blessings that are waiting to bestowed. Family what a glorious day to Thank God for all the miracles that surround each of our lives. Have a gloriously magnificent day which of course it will be when you say Thank You Father for making it my day.
Posted on: Sun, 04 May 2014 13:26:58 +0000

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