Good morning saints of God. its praying time! Let us go to the - TopicsExpress


Good morning saints of God. its praying time! Let us go to the throne of grace. Father God, in heaven, in Jesus name, we thank you for this day. First we ask that you forgive us for everything we done wrong that wasnt pleasing to you from every thought that came across our mind that wasnt pleasing to you, everything we said, and everything we done that wasnt pleasing to you. We just thank you for your grace and mercy that has allow us to be here. Father, Im coming to you on the behalf of your people. Look at my status from last night when people made there request. Look at each everyone of them. I ask you in your son Jesus name to response to every persons quest. Move in a mighty way father and answer their request. And while they are waiting father, teach them how to be patient because we know that it is in your timing that you will answer. I pray that you bless their family, friends, love ones, their jobs, their business, and take good care of those who have lost a love and those that are still mourning from losing a love one. Give traveling grace to those that are on the road and I pray father that you take control of the wheel and bring them to their destination. Bless every church door that is open this morning, bless every Pastor, Preacher, Minster, and every person that is bring your word this morning. Speak through them to give a word to your people. We pray that you cover us under the blood on this journey because we know that the enemy is out trying to lead us down the wrong road. Father we just thank you for saving us so we can get it right with you. In Jesus name, Amen!!!!!
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 14:20:32 +0000

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