Good morning, we have been in and out of the hospital with Kendle - TopicsExpress


Good morning, we have been in and out of the hospital with Kendle Collins my daughter now three to four different times over the past three days, and it hasnt been good each time. Im asking. .. those that will to pray for her strongly.. I am so worried for her and her unborn child at this point. I am her mom, her protector, her guardian, her sword, her rock.. but she needs Gods hand before and above even me.. kendle was put on meds to stop early pre term labor, procardia.. but the generic version. After one week of taking this med, 20mg every 4 hours as instructed by an OBGYN, by the 5 day..Sunday, kendle began to have something wrong with her. It mimicked the on sets of cerebral palsy. . Yet, turrets...she was totally incoherent. . The med is a calcium channel blocker. We took her to Anderson mercy.. they checked her levels of blood( electrolytes) her calcium was down to 1.0 , very low.. they gave her calcium interveinious, and she snapped out of it.. but only for a short while. They sent her home no longer on this med, saying it was given too much to her as prescribed by her first Obgyn. It was only supposed to be as needed..but that was not stressed. They said she just needed calcium put back in her body. They gave her calcium while there putting her level back to normal. That Saturday night, she rested well, until morning around 11am.. she was back to the same thing only this time she was coherent through it all. Last time she didnt remember a thing.. I took a video of my daughter, hoping someone out there might see this and help.. I rushed her back to Andersen mercy, this time they said her levels were normal and she needed to be put on a seizure medicine then go have an EEG done and stay over night... to watch her.. this is where I had the problem again. Giving her seizure med before you test her?.. kendle was scared because they told her in front of me it could harm her unborn. . She wanted a second opinion, we left the hospital going against medical advice to stay, and took her to Christ hospital in Cincinnati. . They are saying kendle is now in pre labor, they and her current Obgyn are not going to stop her contractions, but do fear these may be seizures and feel she needs an neurological evaluation. . So now we are back home, she is resting, but see her Obgyn at Anderson mercy this morning and tomorrow. Now kendle Does NOT have a history of seizures at all.... so my thoughts are still relating back to procardia. ... please pray for her as we go through this entire situation, and please keep her in your heart and thoughts....
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 13:58:08 +0000

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