Google Hangout with Royal Pirates! Universal Music Singapore - TopicsExpress


Google Hangout with Royal Pirates! Universal Music Singapore Regional has invited a few media representatives and some lucky winners, to join us for a Google Hangout web chat session with Royal Pirates yesterday (20th November 2014). The session started out a little awkwardly since it was a new experience for most of the fans. However, after a few minutes of warm up, it was really a time of non-stop chatting, laughing and it was such an epic session. The fans and media tweeted and shared photos with the hashtag #RPHangout. Fun and light hearted, everyone who came enjoyed themselves very much. Lastly, Royal Pirates also apologized for their cancelled event earlier this month and stated that they’ll be back with a good performance! Royal Pirates message for Singapore fans: We want to say that we’re sorry to all fans because we were supposed to go to Singapore last week but it was cancelled. We know some of you guys bought tickets to come to Singapore, we want to say sorry about that, and next time when we go, we’ll make it up to you! Thank You! _ We were supposed to go to Singapore, (SooYoon: We really want to go, but it’s not our fault. *Laughs*) Thank you guys for still showing us so much support, so glad we’re able to have this event (Google Hangout). We’d love to see you guys soon. And Men’s Fashion Week, where we played in a brand new country and it was there in Singapore. We really regret that we weren’t able to go but you can bet the next time we go there, it will be worth your time, it would be the best concert, you better be there! We really wanted to meet you guys, just make sure you come next time and we don’t have a plan yet to go but we have plans to plan to be there! We will be there someday and we expect that you’ll have a good time and it’ll be the best show. The next time we’re there, we’ll have new songs, better songs for you guys, so what we can do right now, is to make better music for you guys! We’ll do our best and see you soon and thank you so much! Here are some of the interesting highlights/Q&As that happened during the webchat: [Q&As: (M:Moon, J:James, S:SooYoon)] Q: Royal Pirates is very fluent in English, so when it comes to songwriting, do you guys write in English first then Korean? A: M: I used to write in English, but nowadays because we’re in Korea, I started writing more in Korean. S: I used to write in English back in LA, but now that we’re in Korea we have to release songs that is in Korean. J: When I write, I write in English, because I only know like 300 Korean Words. (Laughs) Q: Is there any interesting that happened due to the cultural difference? A: J: The first time I went to a restroom, in Korea, they put soap on a stick and they expect everyone to use the same soap to wash their hands, and that was kind of weird to me, but now that’s cool. Also, there is a public bath(public sauna), and we could see everyone’s everything!! So we bonded really fast. M: I love the food here and also the culture. J: In Korea, there’s real brotherhood, all Korean people can bond easily with each other. In United States, it’s a little difficult to have it. Its nice to have friends you can consider family, and the sauna(bond)… S: Everyone is skinny in Korea! M: In Korea, in your workplace you have to greet your elders/seniors like really low. J: That’s something I have to adjust. I have never bowed this much in my entire life! & SooYoon has back problems (Laughs) Q: What would you do if you were a girl for a day? (Question is asked by the only male fan in the room) A: J: Why would the only guy in the room want to know this??! M: I’d get my nails done S: I’d go to a public sauna J: I’d watch Oprah or some chick flick like… I’ll do something really girly M: Get a Barbie doll? (Everyone bursts out laughing as usual) Q: Name a food that represents the other members. (The boys thought this was a really good question) A: M: James would be Soba and Sooyoon would be some kind of cracker because it is square and angular…(Demonstrating a square-like box) J: Moon would be something that is really high cholesterol. (Started laughing) Like a steak S: James would be a taco or a can of Pringles J: Sooyoon would be a French Fry, just one single French fry, and Moon would be like a extra large Big Mac!
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 11:00:00 +0000

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