Gospel, Luke 20:27-38 27 Some Sadducees -- those who argue that - TopicsExpress


Gospel, Luke 20:27-38 27 Some Sadducees -- those who argue that there is no resurrection -- approached him and they put this question to him, 28 Master, Moses prescribed for us, if a mans married brother dies childless, the man must marry the widow to raise up children for his brother. 29 Well then, there were seven brothers; the first, having married a wife, died childless. 30 The second 31 and then the third married the widow. And the same with all seven, they died leaving no children. 32 Finally the woman herself died. 33 Now, at the resurrection, whose wife will she be, since she had been married to all seven? 34 Jesus replied, The children of this world take wives and husbands, 35 but those who are judged worthy of a place in the other world and in the resurrection from the dead do not marry 36 because they can no longer die, for they are the same as the angels, and being children of the resurrection they are children of God. 37 And Moses himself implies that the dead rise again, in the passage about the bush where he calls the Lord the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob. 38 Now he is God, not of the dead, but of the living; for to him everyone is alive.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 10:32:28 +0000

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