@GospelNaija #Posts: #BeInspired: NEVER FORGET HIS BENEFITS - by: - TopicsExpress


@GospelNaija #Posts: #BeInspired: NEVER FORGET HIS BENEFITS - by: gospelnaija Read this Story and learn some great moral on Gratitude An unmarried man got the sack letter from his employer in rather unfair circumstances. To make matters worse, he had to answer a court case for almost a year. When he finally got off the hook, he decided to gather the pieces of his career by seeking another job. Little did he know that tougher years were ahead. He sought employment in different organizations using all his family connections, but it didn’t work. He lobbied around the corridors of power and influential people (he knew or was referred to) in the society, but somehow the job didn’t come. He took the bull by the horn, going all around town submitting his resume and attending interviews, all to no avail. This continued for 1, 2, 3, 4 years. By this time he was in his mid thirties, and he couldn’t even think of marriage because he was broke. One day, he went seeking another job, and wham, the door was slammed on his face again as the employer sang the usual song, “Sorry, we can’t take you…” But that day was to be different. As he walked away, dejected – psychologically drained and emotionally exhausted – he was interrupted at a road intersection by a lonely but sonorous voice. It was a man singing from the depth of his heart this song: Oh Lord, I am very, very grateful For all you have done for me Oh Lord, I am very, very grateful I say thank you Jesus The man turned to see who it was, and to his greatest surprise, it was a destitute, a blind man, also crippled in one leg, crouching in one corner and lifting up his head to heaven – his pupil-less eyes reflecting the noon day sun – his singing laden with so much gratitude. The job seeker was captivated and dumbfounded at the same time! Here is a man with far less privileges giving God praise even in his worse condition. He immediately realized his problem all these years was not what he doesn’t have, but what he has he didn’t appreciate. He had allowed his consciousness to be clouded by a job he could not lay his hands on, rather than the fact that he has hands (the qualification and empowerment - he is not disabled) to lay hold of a regular job. And he must bless the Lord for that empowerment as much as the manifestation of the job. BLESS THE LORD, O MY SOUL; And all that is within me, bless His holy name! Bless the Lord, O my soul, And FORGET NOT ALL HIS BENEFITS: Who forgives all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases, Who redeems your life from destruction, Who crowns you with loving kindness and tender mercies, Who satisfies your mouth with good things, So that your youth is renewed like the eagles. Psalm 103:1-5 This man quickly repented of his sins (ingratitude is sin) and began to thank God for what he has: his life, for being alive, hale and hearty, for the opportunity to have gone to school to obtain a degree, for the experiences he had in his former employment though it was terminated. He began to rejoice and thank God for the PROMISES IN GODS WORD, and then it hit: He suddenly realized nothing is missing in his life because he has the Word of God. Oh, the job? Just one manifestation away! As gratitude will have it, soon things began to happen. A month or so after this episode, a young fellow in the neighborhood got this man’s resume submitted in a multinational company and after a series of interviews, he got the job and was put in a most favorable department, he had his appointment confirmed by the sixth month – ahead his colleagues that had been in the organization for 3 years. Within 2 years, he was married. And to crown it all, he got an offer from a foreign country and he had since relocated his family – to the more favorable environment of that country. All these blessings,btriggered in a relatively short time! The moral of this story is this, WHEN YOU BLOCK OUT TIME EXTENSIVE ENOUGH FOR GRATITUDE, YOU WILL LOCK IN POWER DYNAMIC ENOUGH TO CAUSE A CHANGE. And soon that power will be triggered, causing your BREAKTHROUGH! No More Complaining, Grumbling and Murmuring! Register Your Comments of Thanksgiving to God. BE GRATEFUL! # Gratitude # Appreciation
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 16:58:01 +0000

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