Got a little rant....i know, its been a while....You know what - TopicsExpress


Got a little rant....i know, its been a while....You know what really bugs me.....if I really dislike somebody I just keep their name out of my mouth, its not really that hard to do because really I could care less about them or what they are doing, thats just how I am wired. If they are doing good, good for them, I dont watch every move they make to see them stumble to crack em back, and if they are doing not so well I dont look to chop block em either..... So, I want to clarify first, that I have some damn good Aggie friends that I would drive to Canada in the middle of the night if they needed a hand and I think they would do the same!! I LOVE MY TRUE Aggie friends!! And I am VERY grateful for that!! We can separate the fact of what college football team we like, I think its meaningless to both of us at the end of the day, I think. We rib each other and have some fun with it but at the end of the day on Saturday I truly hope every Texas team wins. For the first time in my life I put an Aggie shirt on because of Emily Albus, shes a cool ass chic, she can flat out play, she went to Brenham and I enjoy that connection with her and my kids, its really cool. But one person asked me why I was wearing it and I told em exactly why and I didnt get a frown or a cock eyed look and she said cool deal and thats my wife who graduated from TEXAS and when we go watch Emily Albus we both wear an Aggie shirt, root for the Aggies and we dont feel weird.... So here it goes.....why do these Fair weather Aggie fans always worry about what Texas is doing?? Why does Texas bother you so much?? Why do you get excited over their failures?? A&M is doing great in the SEC, good for them!! But why yall always worried about Texas....Im truly asking because Im ignorant to this subject. You know when I got dumped by a couple great gals in my life and after a couple weeks when I saw they werent coming back or worth my time and I just kinda quit worrying about em and moved on, man I made out In that deal....maybe you ought to try it!! You never know whats on the other side of the door if you dont open it! Im sure this wont offend my true Aggie friends but Im sure now that some of you others have found out my wife went to Texas they will pray for our failures as well....if I have offended you I apologize and feel free to delete me if you cant get past my post but I truly just want to know why you get excited when Texas fails?? In the words of the Tyler Rose....peace and love...Earl
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 23:54:22 +0000

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