Got this email today. Hadnt heard about - TopicsExpress


Got this email today. Hadnt heard about it. Grassfire Wednesday afternoon The evidence is chilling and undeniable. Two black-clad gunmen seen on video yelling, We have avenged the prophet Muhammad! in a Paris street following their murderous rampage. Now, a just-released video shows Nasr al-Ansi, a top Al Qaeda commander in Yemen, claiming responsibility for the Paris attack and offering congratulations to the Nation of Islam for the massacre that soothed our pain. Despite overwhelming proof that radical Islam is fully engaged in cultural jihad against the West, President Obama and the White House refuse to even use the term radical Islam. This corrupt administration refuses to affix condemnation or blame on the religion -- choosing instead to use the words violent extremism. But this dangerous disassociation isnt just coming from the White House, just days ago, Grassfire came under fire from Facebook for daring to criticize Islam. In fact, we were identified and punished for being the bad guys. If you missed Grassfire founder Steve Elliotts thought-provoking response, Ive included it below. Its a must read for every American who takes the threat of radical Islam seriously. -- Ron + + + + + + + + + + + From the Desk of: Steve Elliott, Grassfire Dear James, As you may know, Grassfire manages one of the largest conservative Facebook networks in the country. Our pages connect nearly 2 million patriotic citizens, and our activity on Facebook generates hundreds of thousands of interactions each week. And we dont shy away from the tough issues! But that gets us into trouble with the thought police at Facebook. A few days ago, Facebook took the extraordinary move of suspending our Eric Odom, stripping our site of what it deemed an unacceptable post, and notifying me directly that if such actions continued, our largest page on Facebook would be permanently removed. What was our Facebook crime? Grassfire dared to share a post that criticized radical Islam. As always, our critiques of Islam point out the true danger that radical Islam poses to those who love freedom. Facebook did not go after the site that originated the post, just us. And this is the third time in recent weeks we have shared something critical of Islam that resulted in Facebook censoring Grassfires voice. Interestingly, Facebooks censoring actions took place around the same time that radical Islamic terrorists launched their shooting spree in France -- a terror campaign that continued to Friday and has cast a shadow of fear across all of Europe. Meanwhile, according to Facebook, we are the one who should be feared and must be censored, not the radical Muslims! This latest attack by Facebook comes just as Grassfire is getting ready to launch an entirely new initiative that I believe will help re-invigorate how patriotic citizens get involved in the key issues of our day. It feels very much like Grassfire 2.0 -- we are getting ready to announce a new model that connects you even more directly to the key points in the battle. Ill be sharing more in the coming days. But for today, I really could use your help. As you may recall, last month I asked for your help to meet a critical year-end need here at Grassfire. As of today, we are still far short of our goal. In all honesty, this has been a difficult season, especially with my team poised to expand and launch. To be completely honest, the political discouragement that patriots feel has hit Grassfire hard. As a result, we finished 2014 far behind budget. Now, as we get ready to launch one of our most ambitious efforts to help re-engage hundreds of thousands of patriots, Im faced with economic pressures that say shrink back. Well, we are not going to shrink back! But we do need a financial influx in the next few days to help keep us on a course that I believe can dramatically impact our nations future! Will you help by making a contribution right now o Grassfire? If you can help meet this critical need, please click here or on the icon below to make your best gift now: Donate Here Most importantly, thank you so much for your faithful partnership with Grassfire. Because of you, Grassfire is one of the largest and best-positioned patriot networks in the country, poised to make a huge difference for our nation in the coming months. Steve
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 22:47:29 +0000

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