Government Tyranny Needs to End By ++++ Allen The heavy-handed - TopicsExpress


Government Tyranny Needs to End By ++++ Allen The heavy-handed Bureau of Land Management needs to be dismantled along with an assortment of just as tyrannical government agencies known by their alphabet names, NSA, EPA, DOJ and the ever -not- beloved IRS. After the media coverage of the Bundy Ranch in Nevada being bullied by the BLM, American citizens who had finally had enough of witnessing government bullying tactics and repression joined ranks with the afflicted ranch owners. Some of the fed-up patriots in this country physically stood shoulder to shoulder to show support and won! Kudos to all who did so and for considering it ones duty and sacred honor. Could this be the beginning of the American people finally getting off the couch and rising up? Im hoping, no, Im praying that this citizen backlash is just the start of the pushing and taking back power from this present day evil government that we find ourselves entwined and embraced by its life sucking tentacles. Im believing that the best of what makes us Americans, will be on display for Obama and all plotting politicians present and future to see that we are mad as Hell and we are not going to take it anymore. Awesome, the Bundy Ranch and its allies making the Founding Fathers proud…hey, dont tread on us! For now the BLM has left the ranch, leaving dead cattle in their wake, as a bullys reminder of what they can and will do to those noncompliant Americans. For now, it is finally a victory for we the people. If it was not for the camera presence and the fact that we- the intolerant- are gun owners, who knows what would have or could have happened? Lesson learned at the Bundy Ranch…ban together against the blight of government intrusion and bang the drum loudly. This victory gives rise to hope that in the near future it may be possible to outlaw or stringently monitor certain government agencies, which have oppressed the politically aware American for far too long. So above all do not give up ones guns, never. Hope against hope, pray and pray again…score one for the little guy. There is presently another government land grab battle brewing along the Oklahoma and Texas border. It has been reported that the BLM is looking at grabbing 90,000 privately held acres. Yep, just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water, here comes that Jaws theme music playing in one’s head again. Most importantly, this is a prerequisite to the United Nations Agenda21 program being implemented within this country. If you are unfamiliar with Agenda21, before I go on, first you might want to take a couple of stiff belts from a bottle of Jim Beam. Are you ready?...Ok, here we go. Agenda 21 is extreme environmentalist earth worship, where everything that we do will be “tightly monitored for the sake of sustainable development, (per Wikipedia) the human population will be greatly reduced,” did you hear that? Also “human activity will be limited to strictly regulate urban areas and travel corridors.” Wikipedia also reported on some interesting facts of who supports or doesn’t support this affront to our way of life. Not surprisingly Pelosi, democrats and The Southern Poverty Law Center are very much in favor of this UN Agenda 21. The RNC has proposed a resolution to bar Agenda 21, on the basis that it conflicts with American sovereignty, I so agree. Some individual states are actively prohibiting the implementation of Agenda 21. Do visions of the WWII Warsaw Ghetto come to mind? It should, it was very easy for the Nazis to control the ghetto population, by controlling the flow of food or lack thereof coming into the ghetto. Starving most to death and then transferring the still breathing to the death camps. This is not difficult to achieve this scenario when one is trapped like a rat. The walled city was efficiently emptied of all living residents. So to reach this BLM land grab goal, a massive transfer of land from private landowners to the federal government will be necessary to start their human herd drive. If need be, the government will take it by force and then herd the human population that once lived in the confiscated area into a very large containment pen……Oh, I mean city. So many would want to say this is just a Conspiracy Theory wacko story. If thats true, then why would individual states, and the RNC be taking action to stop Agenda 21? Read all about it at Wikipedia. Either way as I said above, never give up your guns, never
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 04:05:20 +0000

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