Governors Can Rescue America from Obamas Illegal Executive - TopicsExpress


Governors Can Rescue America from Obamas Illegal Executive Orders Barack Obama may pay lip service to working with Republicans, but we know hell ultimately ram-rod to implement policies he hopes will transform America, actually damage her. Mr. Obama came to America with a chip on his shoulder, and that splinter remains despite Americans twice electing him. A man with a gracious and forgiving nature would have been moved by this outpouring; yet, despite all this, he seems unable to shed himself of his anti-Americanism, revealing a lack of charitable character. So, how will Americans protect themselves from his arbitrary Executive Orders that undoubtedly fall beyond his Constitutional limits? How will we be saved from Orders of a fascist nature rarely seen before in American history, such as wholesale amnesty, treaties designed to help Iran manufacture the nuclear bombs that will one day be used against us, or his tying the hands of law enforcement trying to stop domestic jihadism? Congress can impeach, but they probably wont. They can turn off the monetary spigot, but thats no guarantee of stopping Obama... after all, money is fungible. One of the surprise outcomes of Tuesdays election were the governorships won by Republicans, often in Democratic states. Be it Obamacare, protecting state borders, minimizing illegals, guaranteeing free speech, religious and business rights, outlawing shariah law, or standing by law enforcement, governors and state legislatures have the ability to tell Obama and the Feds: Not in my backyard. The one thing separating the rights and safety of citizens within a state from the indignities and transformation edicts of Mr. Obama and his Attorney General are the state governors. Governors are the firewall between citizens and a lording Obama. Indeed, the Founding Fathers wished it that way, giving states and local officials greater say in the lives of citizens within their state jurisdiction. It is a Constitutional imperative. That is what states rights - our rights - are all about. These rights safeguard us from the tyrannical man the Founding Fathers feared in Mr. Obama. There can be no doubt that that is what Americans had in mind this week when electing, not simply a Senate majority opposed to Mr. Obama, but a cast of Republican governors who will stand against the Obama overreach into our personal lives. This realization began percolating when the governors decided to override Obamas loose and cavalier Ebola policies that seemed indifferent to the risk of citizens within respective states. The American people, like never before, understood that a President who is eager to sacrifice their health and well-being , and that of their children, on the altar of international do-gooding had to be stopped. The governors stepped up regarding Ebola, and hopefully, the people believe, they will do it against those with diseases being shipped by Obama from Mexico into states, jihadists roaming the streets because of Obama policies forbidding law enforcement from profiling suspect individuals, the imposition of Common Core against the wishes of school boards and health insurance policies that are good for Obamas redistribution schemes but bad for regular Americans. In the month leading up to the election, Americans were stunned by Mr. Obamas indifference to the well-founded fears Americans feel about diseases and Ebola entering the country. It became apparent that Mr. Obamas mission to help Africa relegated Americans to a second class interest, as if we are but guinea pigs expected to waive our own needs for the sake of those who hold Mr. Obamas heart. Furthermore, every time an American was beheaded by ISIS in the Middle East, or in Oklahoma City, New York City or killed at Fort Food, the only response we basically got from Barack Obama was Islam is a religion of peace and not responsible for anything done in its name. There seemed no empathy for Americans, their fears and pain. He seemed utterly indifferent. He became the I dont feel your pain President. There is something cruel in Obamas indifference, an emotional sneer directed at middle class America. Thus, the need for governors to protect our vital interests against a President unwilling to protect us, one whod rather, like Elmer Gantry, convince us that his interests are paramount and should become ours, a man who smugly reduces mothers and fathers to being simply Islamophobic , racist, or unscientific. Obamas indifference is no longer cool, but creepy. A Presidents power is not innate to him; it consists only in what the Constitution grants him. Beyond those limits it becomes dictatorial, a characteristic somewhat pronounced in Mr. Obamas political outlook and personal assessment of himself as a grandiose persona beyond constitutional constraints. Constitutions were not written for him, he reasons, rather for other men. One hopes that people in the enforcement business understand that they do not have to enforce those things that are beyond a Constitutional allowance. Defying brazen, unchecked power is heroic, and heroism can be contagious. One hopes that not only will governors do their duty and protect the rights of their citizens from a ruthless and insensitive president, but that the spirit of defiance will prevail among patriotic, freedom-loving members in government service. Someone needs to start the pushback by declaring we are here to serve the people and the Constitution and not the political whims and agenda of he who disrespects the Constitution and the American people. [This article was originally published in CNS News, November 6, 2014] About Rabbi Aryeh Spero Rabbi Spero is a theologian and social and political commentator. He is author of Push Back: Reclaiming Our American Judeo-Christian Spirit, and was a pulpit rabbi for almost forty years. Rabbi Spero is available for interviews and speaking engagements, and can be reached at (212) 252-6861 or rabbispero@yahoo. Read more at CaucusForAmerica
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 20:00:37 +0000

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