Gram eat 50 grams daily in the winter is very beneficial for the - TopicsExpress


Gram eat 50 grams daily in the winter is very beneficial for the body. Gram and gram dal in Ayurveda recognizes that both intake keeps the body healthy. Gram is the therapy of many diseases from eating. The carbohydrate, protein, moisture, fat, fiber, calcium, iron and vitamins are found. Gram called almond poor, because it is cheaper but at the same affordable biggest thing is the ability to fight disease. Gram intake beauty is rising faster than the mind. Gram offers daily breakfast for weight-loss. Leprosy to continue eating sprouts in 3-year profit. If vomiting pregnant Feed Sattu of roasted grams. Gram balance and mental strength also increases appetite. Gram is to clean the blood from the skin is Nikrti. Gram flour pudding in the winter for a few days should be consumed regularly. This pudding vata diseases that can be beneficial in asthma. Day to night grinding Bhigon gram sugar and water mixed drink. It relieves mental stress and in a state of frenzy. 50 g mash boiled chickpeas. The burning hot - hot intake ascites disease for nearly a month goes away. The salt-free bread of gram flour food skin related diseases, such as 40 to 60 days - ringworm, scabies, itching, etc. are not. Drink warm milk at bedtime at night, chewing roasted grams numerous diseases and phlegm from the respiratory tract goes away. 25 g black gram overnight soaking in the morning on an empty stomach intake is off diabetes. If the same amount of time to eat the bread of barley grains will benefit so quickly. Chana Chana removing the water, then soak it in water to drink. Impotence caused by drinking honey ends for any reason. हिचकी की समस्या ज्यादा परेशान कर रही हो तो चने के पौधे के सूखे पत्तों का धुम्रपान करने से शीत के कारण आने वाली हिचकी तथा आमाशय की बीमारियों में लाभ होता है। पीलिया में चने की दाल लगभग 100 ग्राम को दो गिलास जल में भिगोकर उसके बाद Niklakr 100 grams of lentils in water for 4-5 days to eat molasses mixed with relief. 25-30 grams of Triphala powder with black gram, 10 grams them Desi Mix chickpeas and soak for a few hours. Then make sprouted grains tied in a cloth. Chew chew and eat them as breakfast every morning. fever came much sweat thyme roast and grind into powder mixed Switch should massage. Put the chickpeas soaked overnight in sugar pot. Every morning chewing - chewing Avoid frequent consumption also increases semen Problems and weakness of men is over. Dilution of semen to eat and drink milk to stay wet gram goes away. Ten grams and 10 grams sugar gram dal soaked for 40 days by eating in combined metals are confirmed. Gram or a clean cloth handkerchief tied smell of warm cold is cured. Again and again to go pee roasted disease should consume roughly grams. Jaggery and gram than food relief in urine related problems. Roasted grams daily intake is cured hemorrhoids.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 13:20:06 +0000

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