Grammar and ‘Global’ Nonsense: A Short Critique Many people - TopicsExpress


Grammar and ‘Global’ Nonsense: A Short Critique Many people start to grow past some of the New Age nonsense, intuitively sensing the importance of the intellect and rationality and its role in spirituality. Unfortunately, many if not most fall into another form of right-brain imbalance: global/pseudo-rational/integral ‘spirituality’ (while the left-brain imbalances tend towards atheism, scientific materialism and solipsism). As an example, we will be looking at an article by Ashok Gangadean titled “Awakening Global Consciousness” in the magazine “Kosmos: An Integral Approach to Global Awakening.” (2004) Grammar is composed of a subject and its attributes. For example, the subject of this paper is this article in which I am ascribing the attribute of it being pseudo-rational and pseudo-spiritual. In the author’s article, although he might not be so clear of this, his subject matter is ‘global consciousness’ in which he attempts to give a brief outline of its attributes. There are many examples, but I will list a few for shortness: “…This transformation is a key step in awakening global consciousness and the global perspective. To enter the global perspective is to co-awaken the global mind, and vice versa.” “Crossing into global consciousness: global perspective, global minding, global lens opens a higher and deeper dimension of reality; this is what is new and unprecedented in awakening the global mind and the global reality this is disclosed in this integral technology of minding.” “…the integral-holistic or global mind follows a universal pattern and logic whatever its spiritual teaching or vocabulary may be.” “In conclusion, then, it is of the highest importance for our individual and collective flourishing to appreciate the importance of global consciousness and spirituality in opening deeper access to our encounter with Reality.” WHAT is the author really stating here, other than a marketing campaign for ‘global’? That at a global level every concept becomes global? That a global consciousness perceives global things? This resembles the popularly used New Age word creation with the attributive modifier of ‘global’, global this and global that. (This may be implying bigger is better.) These words illicit an expansive feeling inside, as their vagueness allows for ‘infinite’ projection in which no shared meaning is found. There are no requirements, everyone is at a “global consciousness,” just label everything “global”! (playful sarcasm) He writes “To enter the global perspective is to co-awaken the global mind, and vice versa”. This is more self-reflexive than a real definition. Also used are the synonyms of global such as ‘universal’, ‘collective’, ‘integral’ that tend to refer to each other along with the sensationalized terms such as ‘unprecedented’, ‘awakening’, ‘higher’, ‘deeper’, ‘transformative’, and ‘great’. Let’s get grounded by using the word “higher” consciousness, rather than “global” or other like terms: collective/universal/transcendent, because it is more accurate. The reason is because “higher” is more accurately contrasted against “lower” consciousness because it is it its opposite term (mutually exclusive) and would not exclude the opposite of “global” nor its synonyms. Global consciousness can mislead one to think that such a consciousness would exclude local/individual/particular/immanent content, which are context dependent when made concrete. These contrary terms of particular (empirical) and universal (essence) are equally important as are the terms Johnny and humanity. A higher consciousness would not seek to eliminate the concept of Johnny and only communicate about humanity but it would definitely seek to know the difference in the study of grammar. The “Integral Approach” (Ken Wilber) does correct New Age “flatland” by acknowledging that levels of consciousness exist, but this distinction isn’t even adequately understood by the author who writes “The egocentric mind is broken off from the Integral Field of Reality.” (Corrected this would be lower consciousness can remain stuck and not evolve to higher consciousness). Regardless of either full or partial understanding of levels, false knowledge of what higher consciousness looks like and/or falsely asserting one to have attained it can prevent one from evolving to that level, as error is worse than ignorance. So in looking at the real substantial attributes of higher consciousness, not the pseudo attributes of word play, we do desire to preserve the value of the author’s intuition that there does exist a particular relationship between higher consciousness and the term “global.” Higher consciousness desires and seeks knowledge, which is global in the sense that knowledge is universally true and can embody universal concepts. These most importantly include universal laws/principles of morality and manifestation, under the umbrella “Natural Law.” (i.e. Hermetic principles of mentalism, correspondence, rhythm, cause and effect, polarity, gender, vibration and Expressions of Natural Law in the relationships of love/fear, knowledge/ignorance, sovereignty/confusion, freedom/control, order/chaos.) The heart, which is fully activated in higher consciousness, has CARE for ALL living beings, which could be regarded as global care in this sense. Ironically, this man has written a book on “global grammar”, which shows the insight of the connection between higher consciousness and grammar. But this is not a full distinction but mere word association. Higher consciousness deeply values truth and objectivity, in aligning perception with reality. This directly relates to learning how to think properly with the trivium (grammar, logic, rhetoric) as the path to objective truth is eliminating error. Most “spiritual” nonsense can be traced to issues in grammar and reasoning that seek (knowingly or unknowingly) intellectual harm and rely on appeal to authority and emotion. General Grammar (as different from special grammar) does not need to be global or globalized or universalized, but to simply be correct, or more specifically learned, understood and used correctly. Grammar certainly can be tedious, boring at times and mundane, not exciting in the global sense… but it is so incredibly significant! It does not need special emphasis with misleading terms! The hidden agenda here is that the term “global” really pertains to global authority and global government. The authority of government is seen to be evil by higher consciousness because that is its ultimate manifestation as a negative expression of Natural Law, beginning with fear, not love. The (gender pair) to this authority is a global religion, which evolved from the New Age to a global/integral spirituality, to adapt to the desire of ‘rationality’ and rejection of ‘religion.’ This fuels the dark political system of the globalists, who ascribe the value of their power in terms of extension beyond themselves as ‘global power’ (to rule the world). (And not too far from the article, in the table of contents, we see the titles of the other articles being “Who Makes Decisions for Humanity? …. Cooperative Global Politics….World Leaders At Millenium Summit United Nations….The Global Players” …. Even, Brzezinski’s name is mentioned! Oh, dear!) True enlightenment is the inverse of that: not the power of others, but the power and responsibility over ourselves, which SHOULD NOT be given to another, as a complete and whole individual; a microcosm reflecting the whole. This is the level of self-love, self-control, dominion, sovereignty, and nonduality, all of which give us freedom and lead to goodness and order in our world. The study of general grammar teaches us that while our minds can extract from reality universal concepts, reality is only made up of individuals. Anyone truly at higher consciousness knows that global transformation requires that each individual evolve himself and then help others to evolve, so let’s get to it!
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 22:50:58 +0000

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