Grand Awakening, Jacob’s Ladder, The good is always the enemy of - TopicsExpress


Grand Awakening, Jacob’s Ladder, The good is always the enemy of the familiar, The wonderful has happened, the most important time in the history of the world, human’s “coming of age” in the Universe: Today from Funny God, July 8th: [Conclusion of GNN’s weekend news show, *All Together Now*: With moderator, Fox Lipzer, and guests — Chervis Tinkerton, theologian; Joe Mucklucks, TV pundit; Reverend Princeton, African-American activist; Anne Poltergeist, Tea Party author; Lindsey Cracker, Republican congressman; and Abbie Manoff, Occupy activist: ] [Fox Lipzer speaking: ] …planetmates, we find out further, we can have a sort of communication with, very much like folks are saying they can have with their *dead* … er, disembodied. That from within, in a sense, both of these communications are possible. Finally, that planetmates, in their first contact with us, in their book, published in 2014, predicted something like this…. Abbie [interrupting]: Exactly. And what they predicted was a coming together of heaven and earth. They predicted a kind of Jacob’s Ladder … a going to and fro between heaven and earth … or as we say now, between form and no-form existences. “Something wonderful is going to happen.” Chervis: Yes, they said that. And it *has* been wonderful. If you ask any of the people actually involved. And don’t rely on speculations from people outside the phenomenon. Anne: It takes people outside the “crazy” to be able to see the crazy. Let’s get *that* straight! Abbie [laughing]: “Crazy”? I’ll tell ya “crazy”! What’s crazy is humans. Unless we change *drastically* and *immediately* there will be no life on this planet … and no people for Anne to call crazy! The planetmates said as much. According to them, it is *humans* who are crazy. And if you listen to them you’d have to agree. They are certainly the more sensible ones. You call that closer to hell? The planetmates are closer to *God*! … we have found. They don’t forget as much as we do who they are in Reality. They are not as caught up in the *game*. What’s even funnier is, yes, it takes someone outside the crazy to see the crazy. And being’s how crazy is what’s human, well it takes planetmates … or the disembodied … to give us an outside perspective. Without … and before them, we didn’t have a clue! *Crazy* is what’s human! And without these outside perspectives, we’d be just as you’re showing, Anne, trapped in unnecessary fear … and ignoring the real fear of the fact we are destroying the planet and ourselves! Now, *that’s* insane! Anne: Hmmph! I’d respond. But it’s clear you’re beyond making sense. “Crazy humans”! Well, yes, I’d agree if you’re talking about you! Fox: Ooooo-kaaaaay. Ooo-kay, now. [chuckling] Certainly this is to be expected … you can’t go rubbing people’s sensitive edges together and not expect people to get riled. However, we are nearing the end of the show. We are running out of time to deal with this topic and need to rap this up. I think there is just enough time for one final short statement from everyone. Keep it short, folks. Seeing as how unfortunately we didn’t get to hear enough from you, Congressman Crackers, I invite you to start. Lindsey: The dead? Not giving them the vote! The dying? There goes our tax base! The rest of the psychobabble swirling around us all and in here today, well … what *Anne* said! Fox: And you, Mister Mucklucks? Your final statement? Joe: Dying is easy … with eyes closed. Misunderstanding all you see…. There’s much more going on here than anyone can know right now. We need to get to the bottom of this. Wild speculation and theorizing from theologians and wide-eyed activists gives us nothing to make good policy on. With so many people dying … whether from some mistaken theological understandings … from the feeling that everything they had been standing on had, like a rug, been pulled out from under ‘em … or, perhaps even before they were close to the edge, out of pure exasperation at the changingness and confusion of the times … *some*thing needs to be *decided*. Our leaders are failing us here! Fox: Reverend Princeton, care to give us your final take? Reverend Princeton: Fear and fakery. What this has done is cracked us all open. What we see is the fear and fakery … of ourselves … of everything. Some folks are so obstinate they’ll cling to anything, however horrible, however fearful. The good is always the enemy of the familiar. It is a sad state of affairs. I thank you for having me on the show, Mister Lipzer. For sure, this is the kind of service that is needed right now. People need to know what is going on. They need to think about it. They need to adapt, to change. To feel the acceptance and relief that is here. The answer lies in education … in educating the public. There won’t be a *dying* problem when people are helped to realize … to understand … the *joy* of living that is possible now. This is like being released from a prison. We have to educate those who are pulling down the bars … breaking through the doors … trying to get back *in*! Fox: Ms. Poltergeist. Anne. I’m sure you have something you’d like to sum up with. Anne: We’re drowning. It’s no doubt we’re drowning. It’s a sea of sludge out there. You can’t look anywhere and not see these waves of hippie nonsense pounding against the seawalls of sensibility. We know damn well what is happening. The good book told us long ago to be prepared for a day like this. Gnashing of teeth, serpent’s tongues. *We* know what’s happening…. Abbie [laughing]: You tell it, Church Lady. Haha! Fox: *Mis*-ter Manoff! I ask you to *please* be civil. Ms Poltergeist, anything else? Anne: I’ll … I … *We*’ll be vindicated. The *judge*ment will come! There’s nothing more needs to be said… uh…. Fox [interrupting]: All *right*, then. Carrying on, we might as well let you have the next word, Mister Manoff…. Abbie: The wonderful has happened, just like the planetmates predicted. It is the coming together of heaven and earth … as they predicted as well! This is the most important time in the history of the world as we know it. And we are blessed and privileged to be here, to be part of it, to be observing it. The only problem we *do* have is the fear that this wonderful happening has opened in some people…. Fox: We will finish with our esteemed guest, in studio, Doctor Chervis Tinkerton. Chervis: I agree. This is the most wondrous time to be alive, imaginable. We’ve learned so much already. What more will we learn? We’ve been thinking for decades that our, human’s, “coming of age” in the Universe had to do with having contact with aliens from another planet … their coming here or our venturing out and encountering them. Many figured we were on the brink of a unification with the other beings of the Universe. How amazingly true … and wrong … at the same time! Yes! We are “coming of age.” Yes, we are experiencing a coming together with the other beings in the Universe. But how could we have imagined those “other beings” would be in our own homes … as pets; in our forests and gardens … as planetmates; and in a Universe of Experience … as No-Forms. We have been on the edge of a Grand Awakening of momentous proportions. But, oh, how we had it wrong. Now we are imagining the possibilities of encountering god-only-knows what kind of beings, form or no-form, and from wherever, since we’ve found that space does not exist … and whenever … for we’ve found time does not exist any more either. Truly … as humans … we are being *born*! [ More coming…. Excerpted from a work-in-progress: Funny God: The Tao of Funny God and the Mind’s True Liberation ]
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 13:40:45 +0000

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