Gratitude from Donna Earley & Kristina Hohl: Hi everyone…this - TopicsExpress


Gratitude from Donna Earley & Kristina Hohl: Hi everyone…this is Donna…just got back home from the Pennsylvania March. Wow…what an incredible turnout we had across the nation….all of your hardwork paid-off….we brought awareness to many and united a people! Thanks to our dedicated FDS Admin for helping us keep things together and getting us to the capitols on October 25th. This march was brought about due to urgency! We put it together in about 3 months. We struggled and stumbled…picked ourselves up and continued. This was about the dogs….the victim families…and to bring awareness that we all must be vigilant with our babies. We sent out the message encouraging Law Enforcement and Law Makers to look at other ways of handling the officer/canine encounters. To show the devastation that a careless bullet casts upon our communities…and our families. To show there are other ways to deal with this problem. We have opened that door…now the journey begins. Our work will never end…not until the killings do. We support our local law enforcement…but Do Not support those who wrongfully and willingly shoot and kill our dogs. We stood for those dogs shot and killed…whose life ended because they were being a dog….doing things dogs do. This march was also for the victim families…to show them they are not forgotten…that their pain, grief and anger at what happened to their family is real and warranted. As hard as it was…many or our families came forward at the march…to show you their pain is real. None of our victim families want to see another family experience this tragedy. For that they put aside their own grief…stood before us in tears…and shared their stories. I looked into the crowd and not a dry eye was to be found. This march was not and should not be about honoring an officer for doing the right thing. It is their job…to serve and protect and upon oath…each one is sworn to a badge of honor. The message was to show that we have a problem in how we are consistently allowing this to continue. Change has to come…and it has to come now. I want to thank all of you for your support and hard work. Due to the process of this march our groups remained open to all. In doing this we faced dealing with all peoples. Those who wanted to sabotage our efforts due to ego and power. Those whose main goal in life is to try and destroy the good…bring forth their drama…spread rumors and untruths and gain attention. But…what is important is….it allowed those who are truly compassionate about animals to unite and take a stand throughout the country. FDS never ridiculed law enforcement…only brought forth the truth and facts about these shootings. After all…it was the actions of many law enforcement officers that caused the urgent need for this march. Many untruths are floating around…and my integrity as FDS Founder has been on attack. But..that is ok…again…this is about the dogs….not me…not you and most of all…not the petty attacks on a person or group! So I have not personally engaged in the drama, nor stooped to their level trying to take down those who were standing for the same cause. I chose to stand for the cause…to represent the pups…their families….and to ask law enforcement to work towards a resolution. I am proud of FDS and honored to hold company of so many compassionate animal advocates and members. Our country is uniting on this issue due to our efforts to bring awareness. Thank you for your hard work…your devoted attention to ignore the drama and stay focused on our goal. I am also proud of each and every state…we united as one across the country to get our message across. Each one of you are important to this cause…and together we will not sit down….we will not shut up….we will not give in…we will not give up. Our dogs are depending on us. United We Stand….Divided They Die! Thanks to all of you …you made it happen!
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 22:02:53 +0000

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