Great Divine Director - Karmic Board Creating Prosperity Together - TopicsExpress


Great Divine Director - Karmic Board Creating Prosperity Together ~ Nov 13th, 2013 Greetings! It is my pleasure to be here. I AM the Great Divine Director, and I do want to speak for the entire Karmic Board today. I thank you Meleriessee for choosing me ahead of everyone else. In truth, not any of us would say that we are more important than the other. We all come together in a group consciousness as we are now. I am so happy to be part of these energies, especially within this beautiful Temple of Light and within this Sacred Garden. It represents our Source of Light. You are assisting within your Physical Body by connecting with this beautiful garden through your consciousness. In actuality, that body does not represent the true essence that you are. Remember that you are the purest essence from the Source of Light. This will assist you in all endeavors within your physical world, and it will allow the energies of your highest consciousness to come within. Call upon your I AM Presence right now to fully come within you. That consciousness encompasses a lot of different soul aspects of pure Light helping you to create, to be, and to stay within this level of frequency that is occurring on this day upon the planet. It is a wondrous thing. So feel the Essence of the Portal of Light as you have stepped into the garden. And take this with you when you exit the garden. Completely immerse yourself. Embrace the frequency that you are, because this is the True Essence, no matter what your mind tries to tell you, or your emotions that may get in the way, or the physical pain that you are going through. Feeling the swirling of the colors of Light within this space, within this beautiful garden, this is the sacredness. Each of you is sacred and able to bring forth these essences. Today we are going to bring forth more dispensation. Each of you who is sitting in this space in these moments will be able to remove any discordant energies, any thoughts, any attachments, anything that may be of a lower nature not serving this space. It will be transformed within the Light of the Rays of God, the spectrums of Light Codes that are running through the garden in this very moment. Let us breathe into that. I, as the Great Divine Director, call upon and command that every individual sitting here in this beautiful garden may receive the Light frequency from their Source of Light, their I AM Presence, which encompasses their Monad and their Higher Self. I call upon your ability to fully tune in to this Source to come into your consciousness. As your super-conscious blends within your consciousness, the sub-conscious is now being healed. Allow this healing Light to come into your three minds to become the one mind of your Higher Mind. Allow the energy to come into your Physical Body. The Physical Body is healed through the Spiritual Bodies, the Mental Body, the Emotional Body, then the Etheric Body, as they become One Light Force. Feel this essence within you now incorporating within you, being you. You are not only a Four-Body System. You are a Seven-Body System. Allow that Full-Body to completely take hold. {Divine Light Language Voice Transmission} Feel this vibration coming down from the top of your Crown, all the way into your Heart Center, and down into your Earth Star. Ground this energy within you now, as you become the Portal of Light. You are the Portal of Light. You are the frequency. You are this essence in your Full-Body System. Allow this energy to fully incorporate in all that you are, and think of these thoughts as you blend them from your Higher Mind. You are no longer separate as all of these bodies become you. As you breathe that in, see the colors around you. Feel them, embrace them, and accept them as they are coming to you for assistance. The essence of the mist within the garden is flowing within you as you allow these essences to transform you in a completely different way. You become the Alchemist. You become the Healer. You become the extension of Love that you so desire in every moment of your physical existence. You no longer question. You know you are the Master. You are your destiny. Allow this essence to flow within you. I AM a Divine Being of Light, as the Source that I AM is now fully embodied within my physical existence. I feel it in my Heart. I hear it in my Mind, as the frequency of my Higher Self, my Monad, and my I AM Presence all become One within me. I stand today within this Portal of Light and I walk through the doorway that is being opened upon the Earth. I AM a conduit of this Light but yet there is a personal experience occurring within my existence. It is within my Heart. I feel it, and as I walk through the pathway, the Light is everywhere I go. I perceive the creation I desire, because I am at a very opportune time of this Light frequency to be me. I AM All That I AM. I feel this essence blending within me as I become One with all that I desire. Take a deep breath and feel that desire within you now. What is your choice today? What is the movement? As the doors are opened, we walk through the Gateway together. Feel that Gateway. The Gateway is the Essence of the 144th dimension. Everything that is in between, is now taken away. All cords are removed that do not serve you. All discordant thoughts and feelings, and the pain that you have endured is being removed. You now bring forth the Essence of De-ascension of your Divine Essence within you. You are becoming more youthful each day. Age does not conform in your consciousness. You are a wealthy being of Light, and that wealth comes through your Love. That wealth comes through your existence. Abundance is now. The poverty consciousness has now been removed. We see it now leaving, as this doorway is allowing us to completely be the Alchemist, to completely be the manifestation of Purest Light in the physical existence. Breathe deeply and feel that all through your Chakras. Allow all of these Chakras to feel this essence of Light coming within you. Feel it all the way to your Earth Star, into the soles of your feet, and into all your joints. Allow yourself to feel all your Chakras spinning with the purest Light force that you are. Let it be you. {Divine Light Language Voice Transmission} Blessings to each of you for stepping into this World of Pure Consciousness of Oneness. I AM the Great Divine Director walking with you every step of the way. Namaste. So Mote It Be. ©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery walkingterrachrista/ by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. Michael Aranathanara. Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Let us take one last deep breath. Allow those energies to unfold within you. Breathe in this higher consciousness as we say the prayers. Feel it more than you have ever felt before, as this is a new doorway of opportunity for each of us today.
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 01:11:26 +0000

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