Great Insight of tomorrow mornings full moon at 9:22 by - TopicsExpress


Great Insight of tomorrow mornings full moon at 9:22 by Tanishka Full moon is the climactic emotional zenith of the lunar month. It is when whatever the lesson of the astrological sign our soul is journeying with confronts us with a show down - a catalyst that informs us of the action we need to take or the insight we need to gain to shift old patterns. This full moon is in Taurus so you may experience a situation that brings to a head your relationship with money versus your desires...or the desires of those around you. This may take the form of people pressuring you to pay their way so they dont have to confront their fear of not being able to provide for themselves. Or you may experience family members offering you monetary gifts or loans with conditions that involve a loss of personal autonomy & power. With sun in Scorpio we feel the urge to question everything...especially underlying interpersonal and group dynamics which need to be brought into the light of awareness & acknowledged for us to shift unhealthy power plays. (Such as one person being scapegoated to elevate the sense of self-worth or righteousness of another.), such as facilitated speaking circles Such unconscious group dynamics occur everywhere: in families, workplaces & anywhere people are gathered in a space that doesnt insist on transparency & accountability, such as facilitated speaking circles. (Once we gain these skills in circle we then apply them wherever we are, so that this integrity ripples into every part of our society...such is the power of the monthly practice of sitting in circle.) Often it is those who are most afraid of their vulnerability or confronting their core fears that play the role of judge & juror, setting the rules as a stern taskmaster, then judging those who dont live up to their imposed values. This creates a dynamic of power over where those who dont comply are made an example of...that is, until the underdog finds the inner power to question the one calling the shots. Sun in Scorpio asks us to name the shadow of those who have appointed themselves as all powerful, imposing their reality on those around them. Until we each find the courage to question them, we attract more acute scenarios that illustrate how out of integrity the balance of power is in a given situation. It is important to remember that the bully will never surrender their high status position, as they have too much to lose so unless we initiate a shift to share power it wont happen. So if you find a situation coming to a head - now is the time to name the truth, even if its not welcome or rocks the boat. For if it isnt transformed it will continue to leave us feeling powerless. With Saturn, Sun & Venus all in Scorpio - we are being asked to restructure the power plays of relationships in order to shine our true light, otherwise we will minimize our essence & affirm we are unworthy & undeserving of love - which is the greatest illusion, resulting in shame & addiction.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 10:10:00 +0000

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