Great Spirit, Almighty Healer and Creator of all things large and - TopicsExpress


Great Spirit, Almighty Healer and Creator of all things large and small, seen and unseen, it is with humbled hearts that we come together united as one to offer up many thanks. We thank you for the storms of Summer as the lightning brings much needed nitrates to the soil to bring growth to the many herbs and plants. We thank you for the softness of the cool morning breeze as it caresses our cheeks. We thank you for the mists that floats from above to the valleys below, it’s moistness that covers our skins. We thank you for the beauty of the hummingbird as he flies from one flower to the next to gather it’s nectar. We thank you for the dance of the fireflies during the early evening hours. We thank you for the music found in the rushing waters and the winds that flow through the trees. We ask for great healing for those that continue to suffer through diverse diseases, disorders and ailments. We ask for comfort, strength and rapid healing for those that have gone through surgeries. We ask for blessings to be given to the surgeons that have worked tirelessly to bring healing to those in need. We ask for guidance when we are disoriented, confused and lost along our path. For those that have recently been awakened, we ask for guidance, strength and courage. We ask that they fully understand their purpose and go forth with courage. We ask for an end to the materialistic desires that serve only to control our lives and keep us from truly understanding the purpose of life. We ask for an end to the greed, power and arrogance found in our governments. We ask for the veils of secrecy to be lifted so that we may begin to see the deception perpetrated against us. We ask for judgment against those that willfully walk in darkness only to bring destruction toward your creation. We ask for courage when we are afraid; strength when we are weak; confidence when we are unsure; and comfort when we are distressed. We ask for an end to the abuse and violence perpetrated against the defenseless. We ask for protection, guidance and courage for those that fight the dark forces so that the light is never extinguished. We ask for the release of all innocents that have been imprisoned for crimes they did not commit. We ask for an end to modern-day slavery. We ask for an end also to the destruction of our rain forests and those that inhabit them. We thank you for our Elders that continue to be our guides here on Earth, our ancestors that guide us from the Spirit World, and those that come into our lives for a short time to provide insight. We thank you for our children that continue to remind us of lessons long forgotten and the innocence of youth. We thank you for family and friends that come together in our time of need to send up prayers for us. May your blessings be bestowed upon them. We thank you for our daily food and ask for its blessing. We thank you for Mother Earth and the many herbs and plants that give nourishment and cures to our bodies. We thank you for the precious gift of life and the knowledge that all things have a purpose. We thank you for the uniqueness of all things, where not one thing is the same as the next. Emenv
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 05:39:02 +0000

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