Great Spirit, Almighty Healer and Creator of all things seen and - TopicsExpress


Great Spirit, Almighty Healer and Creator of all things seen and unseen, it is with humbled hearts that we gather together to offer up many thanks. We thank you for all two-leggeds, four-leggeds, swimmers, fliers and crawlers. We thank you for the rocks, clay, sand and soil and the uniqueness of each. We thank you for the sacredness of all life. We thank you for the forests, jungles, plains, deserts and ice caps. We thank you for the waters that flow from the snow-capped peaks cascading down around the rocks and waterfalls to the rivers and lakes below. We thank you for the gentle breezes that caress our skin and bring a calmness to our spirit. We thank you for the air we breathe, food we eat, and waters that hydrate all living things. We ask for guidance to be granted to our leaders during this troubling time. May they choose carefully during the decision making processes. We ask for your healing hands to be placed upon those that are suffering through diverse diseases and disorders. For those that have lost loved ones, we ask for your comfort to be granted to them during the grieving process. We ask for judgment against those that have no regard for the sacredness of life. We ask for an end to the abduction and murders of our women and children. We ask for mercy for those that continue to follow you even in our darkest hours. We ask for a greater awakening for those whose hearts remain dormant. We ask for guidance each day for all that continue on with love and compassion in their heart. We ask for an era of peace and tranquility, where true equality among your children are shown throughout the four corners. We ask for a time of rest so our Earth Mother is allowed to regenerate nature to where it was in the beginning. We ask for honor and integrity to once again enter into the hearts of our leaders. We ask for patience when we tend to rush into things. We ask for an end to the mining, drilling, fraking, smog, littering and hazard material leakage that has caused so much damage to our environment. We ask hardened hearts soften, clogged ears to hear and closed eyes to see the damage we have done and continue to do. We thank you for family and friends that have given us the support we need along our journey. We thank you for our Elders that give us the stories, wisdom and instruction needed each day. We thank you for our children that have reminded us of the lessons we have long forgotten. We thank you for those that come to us for a short time to provide us with the insight we need to overcome our obstacles. We thank you for our trials that serve to strengthen and prepare us for that which lies ahead. We thank you for our thorns that prevent us from becoming boastful. Emenv
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 05:58:45 +0000

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