Great Spirit, Almighty Healer and Creator of all things, with - TopicsExpress


Great Spirit, Almighty Healer and Creator of all things, with humbled hearts we unite together to offer up many thanks. We thank you for the rising of Grandfather Sun each morning as he brings light and warmth for the day ahead. We thank you for the lighting of paths and growth for the many herbs and plants that can be found throughout nature. We thank you for Father Sky as he protects us day and night. For Grandmother Moon as she watches over us during our slumber, we thank you. We thank you for our Earth Mother that supplies us with all we need to survive. We thank you for the rushing waters from the snowcapped peaks to the lakes and oceans below. We thank you for the rain forests that ultimately supply us with the air to breathe. We thank you for the music of the fliers of the early morning that soothes our spirits. We thank you for the dancing of the fireflies during the evening hours and the music from the frogs and crickets. We ask for more signs and wonders as foretold in prophesies. We ask for a greater spiritual awakening during these times of turmoil and distress. We ask for protection from the oncoming storms and floods. We begin to understand the very source of our problems can be tied to money. We ask for an end to all that it produces the greed, corruption, hatred, and lust of materialistic desires. We ask for an end to the problems produced by our governments and ask for their veils of secrecy be lifted so the people are better able to decide the course of action needed. We are weary of backroom deals, clubs of secrecy that control our lives, hidden agendas and the like Great One. We ask for these things to be abolished so we may begin to live the lives you have prepared for us. We ask for an end to wars in a world of war-weary citizens. We ask for a reduction and future abolishment of hostilities and terrorism that is aimed to strike fear in the hearts of the innocent. We ask for greater healing for those suffering through diverse diseases and disorders. We ask for comfort for those that have lost loved ones. We ask for guidance, strength and courage for those that have found their way to their ancestors. We ask for strength, guidance and strong hearts as we go against those that would further destroy what you have created. We ask for daily guidance as we journey along the paths you have provided. We ask for an end to the violence and abuse being perpetrated against our women and children. We ask for an end to modern day slavery and the trafficking of our women. We ask for an end to the senseless murders and those killed inadvertently. We ask for an era of peace where no one person is more powerful than the next, so we may begin to unite together to start the arduous task of bringing back balance in an unbalanced world. We thank you for the rains that come to purify and provide growth. We thank you for our Elders that give us the wisdom of the ancestors and the lessons of present day. May we honor them with deep respect. We thank you for our children that remind us of innocence and lessons long forgotten. We thank you for our daily manna and ask for its blessing. We thank you for the waters that hydrate us and for the air we breathe each day. We thank you for our animal friends that bring us wisdom and respect each day. We thank you for the many trials you have placed before us, so we may strengthen our spirit. Emenv
Posted on: Tue, 27 May 2014 05:50:38 +0000

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