Great little book this... :-) - Its old, as is the language, but - TopicsExpress


Great little book this... :-) - Its old, as is the language, but the insights are relevant always... The Game of Life (Florence Scovel Shinn) The Power of Blessing Neutralizes All Evil “Make the statement, “Every man is a golden link in the chain of my good,” for all men are God in manifestation, awaiting the opportunity given by man, himself, to serve the divine plan of his life. “Bless your enemy, and you rob him of his ammunition.” His arrows will be transmuted into blessings. This law is true of nations as well as individuals. Bless a nation, send love and good-will to every inhabitant, and it is robbed of its power to harm. Man can only get the right idea of nonresistance, through spiritual understanding. My students have often said: “I don’t want to be a door-mat.” I reply “when you use nonresistance with wisdom, no one will ever be able to walk over you.” - The Game of Life (Florence Scovel Shinn) “A woman who required money, and who knew the spiritual law of opulence, was thrown in a business-way continually, with a man who made her feel very poor. He talked lack and limitation and she commenced to catch his poverty thoughts, so she disliked him, and blamed him for her failure. She knew in order to demonstrate her supply, she must first feel that she had received — a feeling of opulence must precede its manifestation. It dawned on her, one day, that she was resisting the situation, and seeing two powers instead of one. So she blessed the man and baptized the situation “Success”! She affirmed, “As there is only one power, God, this man is here for my good and my prosperity” (just what he did not seem to be there for). Soon after that she met, through this man, a woman who gave her for a service rendered, several thousand dollars, and the man moved to a distant city, and faded harmoniously from her life. Make the statement, “Every man is a golden link in the chain of my good,” for all men are God in manifestation, awaiting the opportunity given by man, himself, to serve the divine plan of his life.” - The Game of Life (Florence Scovel Shinn) “If a man wishes someone “bad luck,” he is sure to attract bad luck himself. If he wishes to aid someone to success, he is wishing and aiding himself to success. The enlightened man, therefore, endeavors to perfect himself upon his neighbor. His work is with himself, to send out goodwill and blessings to every man, and the marvelous thing is, that if one blesses a man he has no power to harm him. A man came to me asking to “treat” for success in business. He was selling machinery, and a rival appeared on the scene with what he proclaimed, was a better machine, and my friend feared defeat. I said, “First of all, we must wipe out all fear, and know that God protects your interests, and that the divine idea must come out of the situation. That is, the right machine will be sold, by the right man, to the right man.” And I added, “Don’t hold one critical thought towards that man. Bless him all day, and be willing not to sell your machine, if it isn’t the divine idea.” So he went to the meeting, fearless and nonresistant, and blessing the other man. He said the outcome was very remarkable. The other man’s machine refused to work, and he sold his without the slightest difficulty. “But I say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which spitefully use you and persecute you.” - The Game of Life (Florence Scovel Shinn)
Posted on: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 05:57:55 +0000

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