Great love affairs in history 1. Antony and - TopicsExpress


Great love affairs in history 1. Antony and Cleopatra Cleopatra always had a high profile love life. The queen of Egypt, she was the mistress of Julius Caesar, king of Rome, until his assassination in 44 B.C.E. 2. Catherine the Great and Grigory Potemkin Catherine the Great and her lover, Grigory Potemkin, definitely take the cake for the best how we met story. In 1761 Catherine was the wife of Russian Czar Peter III. But after only one year in power, Peter was overthrown (likely with Catherines help) and killed (she may have given those orders, too) by the Imperial Guard forces in a coup détat. 3. Napoleon and Josephine Napoleon Bonaparte, a ruthless and ambitious soldier in the French military, was captivated the moment he saw Josephine, a charming and beautiful Paris socialite. 4. Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas It was love at first sight when Gertrude Stein, 33, met Alice Babette Toklas, 29, in Paris in 1907. Like many great lovers, they met by accident. Steins parents had gone to Oakland, California, to check on property damaged during the 1906 Bay Area earthquake, where they met Toklas and enthralled her with their stories of Paris. 5. Czar Nicholas II and Alexandra Federovna Young Nicholas II, the future Czar of Russia, fell for the ravishing German princess Alexandra of Hess as soon as he saw her. The pair became inseparable and, to the dismay of the royal family, often engaged in public displays of affection. 6. Charles Augustus Lindbergh, Jr. and Anne Spencer Morrow Duos like Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck or Pamela Anderson and Kid Rock are mere blips on the celebrity radar screen when compared to Charles and Anne Morrow Lindbergh. 7. (Prince) Edward and Wallis Simpson Edward, the handsome Prince of Wales and heir to the British throne, changed the course of his life, as well as that of British history, when he fell in love with Wallis Warfield Simpson -- a woman who was not only American, but also married. 8. Julius Waties Waring and Elizabeth Avery Waring The story of Julius Waties Waring and Elizabeth Avery Waring is not just a great romance, it is a great romance that altered the course of Americas civil rights movement. 9. Juan Domingo Perón and Maria Eva Duarte (Evita) Move over Bill and Hillary, this was the ultimate power couple. Evita Perón, born Maria Eva Duarte, began carving out a perfectly respectable rags-to-riches story when she left her poor family and small town of Los Toldos, Argentina, in 1935 to pursue acting in Buenos Aries. She appeared in vaudeville stage acts and found some success as a radio actress, but her life changed when she met and charmed Juan Domingo Perón, the future president of Argentina, in 1944. 10. Harry Tyson Moore and Harriette Simms Moore Harry and Harriette Moore are a relatively unknown yet pioneering couple that helped pave the way for the civil rights movement of the 1960s. The two met in 1925 while Harry, 20, was teaching elementary school in Cocoa, Florida, and Harriette, 23, formerly a teacher herself, was selling insurance. The two quickly fell in love and were married within a year.
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 07:12:59 +0000

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