Great posting Quote: Composer Brian McCarthy hat Hierophante - TopicsExpress


Great posting Quote: Composer Brian McCarthy hat Hierophante de Zoroastros Video geteilt: Spiral in sky. Oaxaca, México. March of 2014. 21 Std. · Bearbeitet · If you havent heard of/seen the video of the Norway Spiral from back in Dec 2009,here is another one to check out----only this happened only several months go in Mexico!! If I had to guess,Id say what were seeing here is the application of a ground based Ionosphere heater---Hmmm---Whats that you say? Ionosphere heaters are used for weather modification---they are an array of antennas that project EM radiation upwards and heat a small part of the upper atmosphere. This idea is not new----The technology is based on Nikola Teslas work,and was brought to fruition by The Bernard Eastlund patents back in 1987. One of the first Ionosphere heaters ever built is in Gakona Alaska,and since then there have been many built all over the world. Their purpose is to heat up the atmosphere so as to make the air rise. Once it does this the air around the Heated air rushes in to fill the void-------if done at the right spots,the course of jet streams can be altered ,or new currents can be created etc. So----still think the weather is a natural occurrence or that Only God controls the weather?? Well not any more!! Weather modification is real friends,and these heaters are only one part of the methods used by climate engineers to alter weather/create weather along with Stratospheric Aerosol Spraying by jets and monitoring /data collection in real time by low earth orbit satellites. Welcome to the 21st century!!
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 19:47:29 +0000

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